Germany history timeline

As a result, France, Great Britain and others declare war on Germany.

Prussia becomes the most influential member of the North German Confederation.Prussian King Wilhelm I declares himself German Emperor after Prussia defeated France in a short war and won a part of Alsace. ... is the editor of History on the Net and host of the History Unplugged podcast. 814 Charlemagne dies.

In the North African theatre, Germany also suffers heavy losses.The US send several corps to Europe and begin air raids on Germany, drastically increasing the number of civilian casualties. Although this annexation violated the Treaty of Versailles, there was no action taken by the Allies. Bismarck is inserted as Chancellor and soon attempts tp weaken the position of the Catholic Church.Bismarck forms the Triple Alliance with Austria-Hungary and Italy as a counterweight to the Triple Entente between Britain, France and RussiaGottlieb Daimler and Carl Benz invent the combustion engine for automobilesIn the Heligoland-Zanzibar treaty, Germany gains a strategically important island in the North Sea from Britain in exchange for its African colonyGermany joins World War I after its ally Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia. Sep 14, 1930.

These are external links and will open in a new window This Nazi Germany timeline includes critical dates that led to the rise and fall of the Third Reich, the Holocaust, and the beginning of World War 2. Germany - Germany - History: Germanic peoples occupied much of the present-day territory of Germany in ancient times. Hyperinflation leads to economic collapse.Kristallnacht (Night of Broken Glass) sees orchestrated attacks on Jews and their property as well as synagogues.Millions of people of all ages, mostly Jews but also large numbers of Gypsies, Slavs and other races, the disabled, homosexuals and religious dissenters, die as the Nazis implement an extermination policy in the death camps of eastern Europe.Konrad Adenauer, of the Christian Democrats is West Germany's first chancellor. See more Film timelines. Jan 1, 1871.
Today Germany is a wealthy country with a high standard of living.

The revolt failed one year later First Siege of Vienna by troops of the Ottoman EmpireThe Peace of Augsburg is signed. See more Personal timelines.

The Emperor joined the war in the hope of uniting the German people behind the monarchy, although the country soon proved to be  ill-prepared. Germany gained importance as the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation, which was the first Reich, a word translated as empire. The Hanseatic League also grew to be a defensive union of the cities involved, ensuring mutual protectionThe Gutenberg Bible is printed in Mainz by Johannes Gutenberg, who introduced the printing pressMartin Luther writes the Ninety-Five Theses and posts them to the door of the Castle Church of Wittenberg.

This action is widely viewed as the start of the Protestant ReformationPeasants, farmers, miners and members of the urban lower class in Southern Germany and parts of today’s Austria and Switzerland start a revolt against the aristocracy.

A Timeline of Germany.

With it, the Soviet Union blocks all allied access to Berlin.

The population of Germany is 80 million. In 2005 Angela Merkel became the first woman Chancellor of Germany. When a fire breaks out in the parliament building, the Nazis present this as a sign for communist uprising and decree the limitation of many civil rights.

800. Hitler leaves his war headquarters and moves into a bunker in Berlin.Concentration camps are liberated one-by-one. In November, the Reichskristallnacht occurs: Thousands of Jewish houses, businesses and synagogues are destroyed, Jewish Germans arrested or killed After the annexation of parts of Czechoslovakia, Germany invades and occupies Poland.

In October, the first German city, Aachen, is conquered by the allies.

A brief history of Berlin.

A brief history of France HISTORY OF GERMANY Timeline. The Weimar Republic soon faced challenges such as political extremism and the burdens charged to it under the Treaty of Versailles, with which Germany accepted guilt for the warWorkers revolt in parts of the country after a general strike which had followed an unsuccessful coup attemptWhen Germany fails to pay reparations stemming from the Treaty of Versailles, France and Belgium occupy the Ruhr areaThe Munich Beer Hall Putsch conducted by Hitler and his Nazi party failsThe Locarno Treaties, intended to normalize relations to Germany, are signed by the allies of World War I. Germany joins League of NationsAfter the Nazi party received the most votes in the general elections, Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor. Germany surrenders unconditionally, the country is divided into four areas of control between Russia, France, Britain and the USThe Deutsche Mark is introduced as Germany’s new currencyThe Berlin Blockade begins. This leads to 47 years of Civil War in GermanyEmperor Henry IV makes his Walk to Canossa from Speyer, GermanyThe Concordat of Worms ends the Investiture ControversyThe Golden Bull is issued, which will serve as a form of constitution for the Holy Roman Empire for the next 400 yearsFormation of the Hanseatic League, an association of market towns in Northern Germany and beyond. See more Politics timelines. Federal Election in Germany ... See more History timelines. German king Otto I. becomes Roman Emperor. Other articles where History of Germany is discussed: Germany: History: Germanic peoples occupied much of the present-day territory of Germany in ancient times.
962. It was started by Charlemagne who became the first Holy Roman Emperor in 800 AD, and it lasted until 1806, the time of the Napoleonic Wars.

Stauffenberg’s assassination attempt on Hitler fails in July.

In History. Creation of the German Empire In 1871, Prussia combines with several German states to create the German Empire, headed originally by Wilhelm I.

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Germany history timeline