alexander kerensky quizlet

Socialist revolutionaries formed soviets. This style was a response to Romanticism's supernaturalism and over-emphasis on emotion. *AP and Advanced Placement Program are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this web site. (Highly contrary to the popular thinking before the renaissance)Dutch humanist and theologian who was the leading Renaissance scholar of northern Europe(1478-1535) Englishman, lawyer, politician, Chancellor for Henry VIII. HIs printing technology was a key factor in the European Renaissance, and is considered on eof the most important inventions of all time. Later gets blamed for much of bad things that go on, and loses power in the late 18th cent.Went Around the Cape of GOod hope to Indian Established trade routes. Developed Calvinism at Geneva. Renaissance in North Europe did not make the secular movement in the arts but rather made advancements toward secularism in literary works, not visual arts.1400-1468.

Stated that the public can gain salvation through solely the bible, getting rid of the church's importance as a middleman to heaven.A piece of paper that the Catholic church sold in the 16th century to fund their building projects. 13. (1915, Italy joined in too)U.S initial policy of focusing on it's own internal affairs (minding its own business)British passenger liner that was sunk, killing more than 100 Americans, pointing the public U.S opinion away from isolationisma secret message sent between Germany and Mexico concerning the reclaiming of U.S land they had loss in the Mexican-American War in return for their allegiance... intercepted and this freaked U.S outbrought an official end to WWI, crippled Germany economically (pay war reparations, release territory, downsize military)rejected from consideration, this was more focused on future peace and a workable balance of powerjoint council of nations that sought to preserve peace and establish humanitarian goals (not that much of a success)occurred before WWI had ended, caused Russia to pull out of the war due to large scale losseswas forced to abdicate his throne in February 1917, end of Romanov Dyanstyestablished a provisional government that was ineffectivelocal councils that shared power with the provisional government created by Kerensky, represented the interests of workers, peasants, and soldierssocialist party by which the soviets rallied behind in 1918Marxist leader of ^this party, mobilized the support of the workers and soldiers, vision of mass socialization/set about nationalizing the assets and industries of Russiaissued by Lenin, demanded peace, land for peasants, and power to the sovietsarmistice signed between Russia and Germany in March 1918 which ceded a huge part of West Russia to Germany/Russia also dropped out of WWIBaltic republics would later be called this (Ukraine, Siberia, and other parts of the area)army created by the Bolsheviks to put down counterrevolutionary revolts between 1918 and 1921after mistakenly joining the Central Powers and losing the remaining land, this man led successful military campaigns against the Greek, overthrew the Ottoman sultan, and in 1923, became the president of modern day Turkeyinstituted by Lenin in the early 1920's, included some capitalistic aspects/allowed farmers to sell portions of their grain for their own profittook power of the Communist Party after Lenin died, made his own changes to the systembelieving Lenin's plan to be slow, he imposed this and the process of Collectivizationexpedient agricultural production by ruthlessly taking over private farms and combining them into state run enterprisesformal name of the Soviet Union. (European countries were afraid of the two super powers being in an alliance.Intended to Bring an end to the constant conflicts between Catholics and protestants.Rules an absolute monarchy but institutes many of the enlightenment and western ideas into Russia. get custom paper. In 1912 he entered public life when he was elected to sit in the fourth Duma, as a member of the Trudoviks (a small but vocal labour faction of the SRs). Alexander Kerensky Flashcards | Quizlet. Used by Europe for the travel to the Americas.a triangular fore-and-aft sail used especially in the MediterraneanSpanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico (1485-1547)Powerful Aztec monarch who fell to Spanish conquerors. Possible responses: 1. Started by Luther, a monk in Germany.95 thesis: Stated the problems with the Catholic church and how corrupt it was. Thought Cortes was a god.Men who are the governor of a country, province, or colony, ruling as the representative of a sovereign ruler.A exploration era that sets the world of Colonization.An organization that works to increase the resources of many merchantsTry to export more than you import. 2. As the European society became more aware of their past during the 1400's/Renaissance, the emphasis on life began to shift from religious to hedonist/humanist values.A family of skilled politicians and patrons of the arts who lived in Florence, Italy, during the Renaissance. (Portuguese)Set the Line of Demarcation which was a boundary established in 1493 to define Spanish and Portuguese possessions in the Americas.Invented in China during the Han Dynasty, which allowed for better navigation and control of ships of increasing size. Alexander Kerensky: Leader of the provisional government in Russia after the fall of the tsar; kept Russia in WWI and resisted major reforms; overthrown by Bolsheviks at the end of 1917. 1917. Alexander Kerensky. Helped raise expectations of morality for the clergy.Led the counter reformation, and succeeded in stopping the southward spread of Protestantism.Alexandrian astronomer who proposed a geocentric system of astronomy that was undisputed until Copernicus (2nd century AD)Developed Calculus in order to help prove the Theories of Copernicus, Galileo, and the Heliocentric theory. World History Spring Exam -- Chapter 29 Flashcards | Quizlet AP World History Chapter 29 Terms. German goldsmith and printer who is credited with inventing movable printing type in Europe abround 1439. Vladimir Lenin. Lenin returned to Russia: April 1917.

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alexander kerensky quizlet