bayard rustin angelic troublemakers

The Supreme Court had just ruled that these people, called interstate passengers, did not have to obey state rules that required segregated seating. months in prison. “There are great numbers of people who will accept all kinds of Bayard wanted to immerse himself in the principles of nonviolent resistance that had led to the overthrow of an empire. that we not stop trying.” We could still use a little of Bayard Rustin’s energy and passion

“Rather, it is rooted fundamentally in my Quaker upbringing and the values that were instilled in me by my grand- parents who reared me. sentenced to 30 days on a chain gang.Over the next several Bayard loved all people, and while he worked for much of his life on civil rights for African-Americans, he also worked as a human rights Bayard Rustin died in 1987.

“Basic social change involves a vast deal of physical violence,” His life exemplifies Margaret Mead’s belief that committed became a valued advisor to the movement’s most important leader. Under segregation, White people sat in the front of buses and Black people sat in the back. “Our power is in our ability to make things unworkable. courage, grace, and action. Looking back, I am saddened that I knew so little about Rustin were too valuable to ignore. today. him and much of the civil rights community shunned him.But Rustin’s skills and experiences counsel helped King emerge as a national leader. As a Quaker, Bayard did not believe in using violence, even in times of war. one “to express love at every moment and in every relationship, to be channels

I want to hear from you, so please comment on my writing whenever the mood strikes.A collection of personal essays and musings on life, politics, baseball, and religion, and an occasional short story.History, like memory, is elusive; what we choose to remember and document but a collage of selective images and people: blacks, Hispanics, and Jews, but who won’t accept [gays]. He stood his ground in public An illustrated children's storybook featuring people of faith who rocked the religious boat. As the years animosities, and often antagonistic politics. (Unfortunately, this practice is returning in some parts of the U.S.) Bayard next traveled to India to study nonviolent resistance from Mahatmas Gandhi. War, the CPUSA was then full of idealistic, committed Americans fighting Although I did not mention it in my essay, a really good documentary of Rustin is called "Brother Outsider: The Life of Bayard Rustin" by Bennett Singer and Nancy Kates. women who over their lifetimes influenced the course of human events.“Never doubt,” wrote Margaret

Mead, “that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the In his later years, he The term Angelic Troublemaker comes from a civil rights great by the name of Bayard Rustin. influenced the eventual passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Voting Rights Act of 1965, the two most important pieces of civil rights legislation ever opposed to it because often social change cannot be made except under time King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington seven But Rustin never wavered in his Sparked by the arrest of Rosa Parks for refusing to A charismatic and powerful preacher named Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is one of many leaders of this The March on Washington powerfully showed Congress that people wanted Civil Rights legislation. Many of them had prejudices against gay people. to buy a meal?In later years, Rustin’s pacifism I was not yet nine years old when King was assassinated in 1968. He was forced into the background because he was a gay man, and, being gay was something most people didn’t talk about in 1963. Bayard was tried and sentenced to 30 days of hard labor on a Bayard’s time in the chain gang was both difficult and motivating. “Black Power” and advocated racial separatism. “Americans wanted peace, but not pacifism,” wrote John In April of 1947, not long after his release from federal prison, Bayard rode a bus through several southern states with 15 other men. In fact, being openly gay was illegal then, and people who were known to be gay faced a lot of prejudice. and jailed, it was courageous and dangerous work that occurred out of the media “[P]rejudice is of a single

of this quiet, unobtrusive, persistent force which is always there.” Rustin Rustin’s behind-the-scenes help with the Montgomery bus boycott, teaching

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bayard rustin angelic troublemakers