cancel culture' hypocrisy

The CCDH make the following claim:The format of groups makes their members ripe for the process of radicalisation…These secret spaces allow for deeper radicalisation.”This is unadulterated pseudo-scientific claptrap. There is in reality no difference between one person standing alone and a million standing together. But that was no reason for people to allegedly turning to fascism as supposedly appealing ideology. They exist quite comfortably in their world of guaranteed paid remuneration doing their public “service” secure in the knowledge that the monthly pay cheques will continue to appear no matter what happens to those outwith the confines of guaranteed state provision. It took place in 2013 in London and involved one ‘victim’.As for the writer’s skills in photo analysis, they are excellent. More about Imran Ahmed here: Why am I not surprised that these Blairite vermin keeping popping up to spread their liesA “global pandemic” is certainly not defined by age of deaths EXCEEDING the normal lifespan with no young healthy people are affected.I will offer up just a few broad comments and put details to them if you wish:1) There is no excess death toll due to virus- that death toll is due to policy shifts and attribution to “Covid” is patently false when not outright administrative corruption by health officials; 2) Above “excess” death toll is an artifact of nursing home mismanagement- 60% of “covid deaths” from nursing homes + or – 3%- once that is taken away we have near record numbers of low mortality rates in country after country;3) The average age of “Covid deaths” worldwide EXCEEDS the normal lifespan of citizens of those countries- that being 81 years old with on average 2.5 comorbidities- think about that;4) Average number of weeks of life lost due to “Covid” is a mere 1-3 weeks and that’s without consideration of having died “from” or “with”;5) PCR tests used to determine “cases” are a diagnostic fraud- inventor of PCR test, Kary Mullis, asserted PCR tests were not designed for diagnostic purposes;6) Cases which are determined by flawed PCR tests are purposefully juiced up in numerous ways- want details?- this is not simply more tests=more cases we are talking medical and institutional fraud- why did the CDC change years old policies on March 24th, April 14th and June 13th with each change designed to increase number of “positive” test cases;7) The WHO changed it’s definition of pandemic in 2009. The more people who annoy the establishment, the better.The ruling class will always prefer fascism over socialism, and millionaires are more closely aligned with the ruling class. Authoritarian regimes have used ‘counter terrorism’ and ‘counter extremism’ to silence dissent and criticism. (Astonishingly, a number of them are far enough to the left to have supported Bernie Sanders in the primaries. She should be excoriated in brutal terms for claiming fact checking capability where no expertise exists. Cecil Rhodes wrote one chapter, the Freemasons around the French Revolution wrote another, the Rothschilds wrote one, as did the early Illuminists around Jacob Frank, then there’s a chapter by Francis Bacon and so on.Think of Power as the editor of this book. The alleged Johnson thinks anyone who questions vaccines is a nutter, unlike himThe CCDH propaganda narrative on vaccines is part of a wider slew of nonsense which underpins government efforts to The scope of the proposed censorship grid is limitless. Die „Cancel Culture“, genau wie die politische Korrektheit, ist ein Auswuchs der Frustration über das Versagen der Politik. In order to achieve this aim, the CCDH assert that anyone who asks any questions about vaccines is driven by They are creating the ludicrous, fake bogeyman of the public health terrorist. .Or the boot on the human face. )This, to me, is a huge part of the reason why the defenders of the free society have seemed to lack conviction in recent months and years. Nazis in turn always referred to First Reich I.e, Roman Empire of German nations starting around 800 AD. De Blasio has been hoping for a multi-billion dollar federal aid package to bail out the city after the coronavirus pandemic decimated its bottom line. Hateful extremists seek to restrict individual liberties and curtail the fundamental freedoms that define our country.”Our inalienable rights and freedom are protected by our written codified constitution of 1215In Britain our national identity is, in great part, founded upon our shared belief in fundamental freedoms.

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cancel culture' hypocrisy