cancel culture research

This history, while complicated and full of imperfect people, is worth remembering, learning from, and sometimes celebrating.Americans should reject the impulses of cancel culture, which has a simplistic view of history. It’s not like it was a scam ment to bilk companies out of millions (billions?) As it is, the federal government doesn’t owe you a tax break for paying local taxes. I mean it isn’t like it was actually an example of Nazi propaganda that James Lindsay purposefully seeded to get the post modern assholes to demonstrate their ignorance. They have a monopoly on enacting the Mafia’s business model!I have a feeling this outrage enthusiast spends a lot of time pondering what to whine about on any given day.‘ What’s going on with New York City’s “traveler registration checkpoints”?’I wish I had planned a trip to NYC, just so I could cancel it.> Georgia makes it a hate crime to damage police property.See, this is what happens when you make “hate” into a crime. Just that they recognize that is isn’t illegal or unconstitutional. Recently, this illiberal crusade instigated the outing of Boeing Communications Chief Niel Golightly, who Others, including comedians, politicians, and even pastors have had to scramble to atone for whatever landed them outside the good graces of the cultural elite. It’s not like the flu that disappears and reappears.In other words, true leaders and enlightened minds explain to the population we need to learn to live with it.Instead we get doubling down of bad policies and fear mongering (see Cuomo omfg the kids will die!).Dr.
It’s all telling you what you want to hear to win a popularity/fund-raising contest to make their friends rich by stealing from you through taxes and inflation so they can have a prestigious job and go to all the best cocktail parties. Like polling stations being overwhelmed with having to count so many votes (like in NY State) or ballots being mailed out incorrectly, or ballots being discarded for very trivial reasons like superficial differences in signatures. Well federal taxpayers in Florida, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, and other states will be the ones paying for those obligations if the Democrats get their $1 trillion aid to states package through and they’re able to get rid of the cap on income tax deductions.and whenever they say “a tax on millionaires” it somehow always gets the middle class too. I attack the left for the quick descent into marxism. Everyone knows that the only way to A simple bribe to a mail carrier could tip the election.But no, you go straight to “MY MAILMAN IS A DEMOCRAT OPERATIVE” crapola.YOU did. Meagan Murphy had her claims dismissed on 230 despite the focus being on contracts.Likewise these entities receive billions in government funds. Cancel Culture Dominates Climate Research, Cancelling the Scientific Method.

Then you say we ignore fascism?
You do realize that you’d be banned from most platforms other than Reason because you’re an antagonistic asshole, right?

strange that.considering that in some place if you own a house, easy $500k and maybe a business property another easy $500k you are automatically a millionaire even though your not reallyIn unrelated news, California has now solved it’s problem of having millionaires. The only surprise is they found a conservative professor to poll. In other news today, scientists publish papers showing that water is wet and puppies are cute.The science of puppies being cute is being perverted to support the supremacy of dogs in relation to friendship with man. You are so wrong. Maybe you can stop bitching about it for one moment and think of ways to make mail-in voting more secure. It is pointing out your idiocy.Jeff seems to think building a border wall is equivalent to forcing hundreds of thousands of small businesses to close (and into bankruptcy), destroying the jobs of tens of millions of people, fining/arresting people for not wearing a mask, and imprisoning people in their homes “for the common good”Actually, Jeff seems to think that there’s authoritarian shitheads that inhabit both Team Red and Team Blue, and too many of the brave “libertarians” around here only seem to care about the authoritarians on Team Blue and turn a blind eye to the authoritarians on Team Red.You are team up you ignorant twat. But that went past your feeble brain because, when you aren’t constantly shilling for Team Red, you are trying to score as many attack points as you can so as to remain in good standing with the mean grrlz club.The thread is there Jeff. But I wonder, in this age of tweets and cancelling if that student were overheard expressing illegal views privately, would she then get a failing grade?

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cancel culture research