carmel weather 14 day

Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph.Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight. 6% Use up and down arrows to change selection. Humidity54%.

8% 13%

Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Fri 14| Day.

Carmel, IN Weather - 14-day Forecast from 3% Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph.

0.0 mm

Chance of rain 40%.Cloudy with showers. Wed 12 | Day. 0.0 mm Low 59F.

Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours.

3% Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours. Type at least three characters to start auto complete. 0.0 mm

0.0 mm

Low near 60F. Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours.

16% Mist or fog patches are possible overnight. 84 °F: 6 mph ↑ 61%: 6%-5 (Moderate) 6:54 am: 8:44 pm: Thu Aug 13: 84 / 67 °F: Mostly sunny. Becoming mostly cloudy with showers developing later at night. High around 85F. High around 80F. Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours.

0.0 mm Expect 0.0 mm of precipitation over the past 3 hours.

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carmel weather 14 day