der rosenkavalier meaning

The opera has four main characters: the aristocratic Marschallin; her very young lover, Count Octavian Rofrano; her brutish cousin Baron Ochs; and Ochs' prospective fiancée, Sophie von Faninal, the daughter of a rich There are many recordings of the opera and it is regularly performed.

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Your preference has been recorded Octavian returns, in his own clothing, and the Marschallin tells him that sometimes she gets up in the night and stops all the clocks so as to hold time in its place.

But she is still thinking of the passage of time (a clock is heard chiming thirteen times) and tells him that, very soon, he will leave her for someone younger and prettier.

For instance, the conversations between Octavian and the Marschallin in the first act use the familiar "you" but switch back and forth between more formal speech (Sie) and the familiar du, as well as the intermediate (and now obsolete) Er. Octavian challenges the Baron to a duel.

Soon Ochs sees articles of women's clothing coming into view.

His plans of seduction repeatedly run awry with continual interruptions by other conspirators; the ensuing pandemonium brings in the police.

Get kids back-to-school ready with Expedition: Learn! Next to the bed is a three-piece Chinese screen behind the clothes. She even knows his nickname: Quinquin, which only intimate friends (including the Marschallin) call him.

Octavian returns, dressed again in men's clothes ("Ach, du bist wieder da").

Papa!" Rosenkavalier definition, an opera (1911) by Richard Strauss.

According to tradition, he must find a well-born messenger to present a perfumed silver rose to the woman as a marriage proposal.The Marschallin mischievously recommends Count Rofrano (Octavian) for the job, and Ochs agrees.

Loud voices are soon heard outside, and the Marschallin has Octavian hide, believing that her husband has returned early from a hunting trip. The Marschallin, Sophie, and Octavian are left alone, and Octavian does not know what to do. After Baron Faninal leaves, only the Marschallin, Octavian, and Sophie remain. Octavian hides quickly as a servant comes in with breakfast. The young lovers' rapturous duet ("Mit Ihren Augen voll Tränen") is soon interrupted by Valzacchi and Annina, who surprise them and call for Ochs.

The two young people promptly fall for each other.

Ochs, glancing back and forth between Octavian and the Marschallin, now grasps the nature of their relationship and implies that he may tell the Marschallin's husband of it, but he is cowed by the Marschallin's force of will (if not the sight of Octavian's sword) and ingloriously departs, pursued by children and bill collectors.

Der Rosenkavalier Libretto English Translation.

When Ochs tries to force the issue, Octavian angrily draws his sword.

When she realizes that she has neglected to kiss him goodbye, she tries unsuccessfully to have him returned to her house.In her father’s reception hall, Sophie von Faninal awaits the arrival of the Knight of the Rose.

Ochs’s mood is not improved by the arrival of Sophie and her father, who express shock.

With a last, bittersweet look toward her lost lover, the Marschallin heads for the carriage with Faninal. She then withdraws, with a promise to Sophie that she will offer Faninal a face-saving ride home in her carriage. How to say Der Rosenkavalier in English?

Octavian has reappeared, dressed in women’s clothes as the housemaid “Mariandel.” Ochs flirts with her.

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der rosenkavalier meaning