does whistleblowing violate company loyalty

Does Blowing the Whistle Violate Company Loyalty? We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our Bok suggests that for this reason, the whistleblower owes it to all involved to make sure the they have sought as much objective advice regarding their moral choice (betrayal to employer or betrayal to the public) as they can, and that they are aware Of the arguments for and against as detailed and coherently structured as possible.No Summary – Robert Lamer According to Robert Lamer an employee has been viewed as an agent who acts on behalf of the employer, and as possessing duties of loyalty and onfidentiality, he believes that putting a stop to illegal or unethical company activities may be the highest type of loyalty an employee can display. The fact is that loyalty to an organization stems from an acceptance of its objectives. Loyalty to colleagues and to clients creates conflict against loyalty to the public interest, to those who may be injured unless the exposure is made. We may even ave to subscribe to a loyalty of oath or a promise of confidentiality. But historical data reveals that whistle blowers have been penalized by having stress, bad health, financially ruined, loss of career, family and friend… By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our Topic: Does Whistle Blowing Violate Company Loyalty "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy""You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy"

Whistleblowing does not violate company loyalty and its in the best interest of the company to stop illegal and unethical activities. She argues that one sworn to silence is unquestionably under stronger obligations because of the oath they have taken.

"Company loyalty" means simply being honest and ethical in your dealings with your employer, acting in the employer's best interests in your professional dealings, and avoiding conflicts of interest. In most cases of whistleblowing, those accused of immoral acts are already aware of their wrongdoing and if an employee speaks up they have the opportunity to resolve the issues and problems.There is also the risk that the organization will retaliate against the employee and try to hide their unethical behavior, but unless those affected by this behavior are made aware, corrective action may never occur. Does whistleblowing violate company loyalty? Where whistleblowing does not violate company loyalty is when the whistle is being blown on illegal activities. If the whistle blower has a hidden agenda, then it does violate loyalty as the person is only looking out for themselves and not for the company in which they work. She states that the element of accusation arouses the strongest reactions on the part of leadership. He states that whistleblowing, at least at first glance, seems in violation of these duties and it is scarcely surprising that in many instances employers and fellow employees argue that it is an act of disloyalty and hence morally wrong.Lamer disagrees with the idea that whistleblowing violates loyalty and that it embodies a mistaken conception of what constitutes employee loyalty. Whistle blower signifies a person who exposes anyone who is involved into wrong doing or any corruption within the organization.

If a person blows the whistle based on morality issues then it does not violate company loyalty. “The whistleblower hopes to stop the same; but since he is neither referee nor coach, and he blows the whistle on his own team, his act is seen as a violation of loyalty. Another way to prevent getting this page in the future is to use Privacy Pass. Get Your Custom Essay on In his conclusion he states that ‘the solution lies in realizing that to whistle blow for reasons of morality is to act in one’s employer’s best interests and involves, therefore, no disloyalty’.My Viewpoint After reading the two arguments I found Robert Lamer to be more convincing. Don't use plagiarized sources. In most cases of whistleblowing, those accused of immoral acts are already aware of their wrongdoing and if an employee speaks up they have the opportunity to resolve the issues and problems. However if the objectives involve breaking the law it is difficult to see that there's any loyalty obligation. Eventually other moral employees will be unable to bear the burden that their organization’s activities are unethical and hazardous to the public, and eventually those activities will surface and the organization will suffer in the long run.Does Whistle Blowing Violate Company Loyalty. But on the other hand, Robert A.

This implies that, whenever possible, a loyal employee blows the whistle internally and allows the employer the opportunity to demonstrate to the employee, contrary to first appearances, no wrongdoing had occurred, or, if there is a genuine moral problem the opportunity to resolve it.Lamer also suggests that there may also be cases that may arise where acting in a person’s best interests requires that one acts ndependently and perhaps even against the wishes of the person to whom one is loyal.

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does whistleblowing violate company loyalty