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Thanks buddy friend!On top of the other stuff and a bigger name in the credits, you can vote in Polls on what my next video will be. Like, the system's ability to repress ideas by defunding them, when you need money to live, is a genuine issue. Big Lottery Fund reviews grant to trans kids charity Mermaids. - Duration: 36 minutes. Brewis' bread and butter is mocking the anti-feminist "skeptic" community on YouTube: 1. JonTron: Mostly Tweets,video planned. Loading... Watch Queue ... Hbomberguy's 100K Q&A! Why not work together to destroy fascism and, while we're at it, the liberal capitalist system that makes for such a comfortable nest?Do not allow the victory of far-right ideology to strike you as spontaneous. The solution is to create a society where not being monetised means you won't starve to death.

Higher tier backers get their name in the credits, or can vote on what the next video will be in polls taken after the release of the last video! His channel has over half a million subscribers and 53 million viewsBrewis describes himself as an atheist who has no investment in There are some stances that require no investment, and are simply words to describe your stance on the issues. (2018, December 17). The next video is starting stop. He has said he generally supports some versions of I'd probably throw my hat in with marxism-leninism or straight up full communism, at least as a conversation starter!I would say I'm a Communist but I don't agree with any presently-existing states that call themselves Communist - I simply agree with the larger points of I keep calling myself communist as a way of making a point about the label but it's hard when The Bad Communists are still REALI must admit I openly call myself a Communist partially because it drives idiots nuts and not out of any genuine allegiance to a legit commie party.I sometimes say I'm a socialist, and if it'll annoy the right people in the moment, a communistBrewis' videos occasionally contain anti-capitalist messagesJust to float an idea: How about the global poor unite against the system? For example, on Ask.FM he wrote:I'm a very far left socialist type with a reverence for the actual philosophers of the communist movement and their writings. If you donate this much a month you get access to the backer videos, such as all the outtakes, BTS, and other stuff I cut out of the videos for time.
I try to get these up within a few days of the original video.You also get access to my Discord, and a backer role acknowledging that you are one of my bosses!In addition to the other stuff, I will thank you in the credits of every video after the one you pledged, immortalising you as an enabler of my garbage! Hopefully this will save me from constant uncertainty!I will create a video series defending the star wars prequels, permanently ending my careerBy supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process. Brewis created a Browser extension for both Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome to disable Although Brewis' YouTube content focuses on debunking others, his off-YouTube content is substantially more political. As a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you.Yes, you can easily cancel or upgrade your pledge at any time! On Twitter, he frequently criticises capitalism and defends socialism.BTW: People complaining that the system doesn't support their ideas ARE describing a real problem. I owe lots of my politics to marxist thinkers and generally support some versions of communism but I support Labour on the grounds that its current slightly-left-of-center policies are better than more torie, and because the incremental improvements brought about by Labour stand a chance of showing people what the right direction might be, as it were.C: Capitalism is such a fucked up economic system that it's beneficial to create bad products in order to sell additional, fixed versions later or release slight improvements, a-la the iPhone or Windows or the new graphics card generation you're about to buy into hahahahha The Killing Joke Movie and The Problem With Comics - YouTube This number was last publicly visible on his Patreon Page in August 2018 and is thus out of date.Perslo, S.L. Brewis created a …

Rocking Mr. E, The Golden One, Sargon of Akkad 4. You have a massive audience and the power to choose to fight for progress in all the many forms we need in the world right now and you used it to make sure some children won't have access to helpful resources. So well done, Graham! We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Whether or not a 'version' of capitalism that doesn't have these aspects could even be called capitalism remains to be seen. There are people in both Russia and America who are sick of this shit, good people who will die pointlessly in traditional warfare.

Even he doesn't remember that he came up with it. While I'm often unsure what to label myself, what I want is a version of capitalism that actually works sustainably, and doesn't simply lurch from crisis to crisis while inflicting unethical labor on places that we don't think about as 'our problem' - working conditions rise in the west because we exported the dirtier, more shitty jobs elsewhere.

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