john wooden attributes

Yaeger said.Become a better leader by checking out STACK's page for Instant access to FREE resources that have helped millions of people jump higher, run faster, get stronger, eat smarter and play better.NBA Chiropractors Reveal 5 Keys to Healthy Knees and Ankles3 Ways to Increase Your Vertical Jump During Basketball Season14 Bodyweight Exercises You Can Do With a BasketballThe Stockton Drill: Inside the Utah Jazz's Hellacious Conditioning Test But crucially he always worked his players under pressure: “In every facet of basketball, we work on pressure. Although Hollywood churns out sports movies with rousing, inspirational speeches, the reality of Wooden’s winning methods were much more prosaic.In fact, coach Wooden had a policy never to charge up his team on an emotional level.He believed that charging up his players was counterproductive, producing ‘artificial peaks’. It’s courage that counts. —John Wooden Essentially, Wooden’s philosophy for success in basketball was condensed down to three things:This philosophy is attributed by Wooden himself to his time as a player for Purdue University, where he was coached by Ward “Piggy” Lambert.Wooden specifically refers to Lambert as having the following three fundamentals: “(1) conditioning – getting a team in the best possible physical and mental shape to play; (2) quick and skilled execution of the fundamentals in an uncomplicated series of offensive and defensive plays; and (3) the development of strong team spirit that included consideration at all times for one’s fellow players.”Wooden may be best known for his work as a coach, but it’s often forgotten that he was an accomplished player, even winning the NCAA title as a student with Purdue University.In his playing days he understood the importance of conditioning, remarking “often as a player, I’d tell myself, “I may play someone better than I am, but I’ll never run against one who is going to be in better condition”.”It is no surprise, therefore, that conditioning became an essential pillar of Wooden’s coaching philosophy.He himself stated that if any one premise summed up his teams over the years it’s that they might be outplayed but they’d never be outworked.Although Wooden’s core principles for success in basketball can be traced back to his own coach, Piggy Lambert, both men differed on their techniques for conditioning their players.
Fame is man-given. “You can’t live a perfect day without doing something for someone who will never be able to repay you.” – 6. As he told his 71-72 team, as they reassembled for the next year:“The past cannot change what is to come.

Winning an incredible ten NCAA national championships in a 12-year period as coach at UCLA is a marker that perhaps will never be repeated.Over that period of time, players came and went and Wooden was forced to dismantle and build several different teams, varying his tactics to bring the best out of each new group.

Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. Whether coach oversees a 12-man basketball squad or a 65-man football roster, each player is an individual, and each has his or her own agenda. Success is never final, failure is never fatal. He showed that coaching isn’t just about tactics and shouting encouragement from the sidelines – it’s about developing players, and developing people. This is because of my conviction that a player who practices well, plays well.”Practice was where Wooden felt he really made the difference to the team, and it’s unsurprising that this was taken incredibly seriously.Each morning Wooden and his assistant would spend about two hours together planning the day’s practice. He led his high school team to the state championship finals for three consecutive years. In 1975, he founded Chief Dull Knife College , a community college located in Lame Deer, Montana . ―32. For us, this achievement and learning are all about the John Wooden leadership qualities.

To want to work hard at something you need to really enjoy it and he made sure that practices incorporated this principle.That said, Wooden did not permit larking around and would clamp down on showboating. Coaches often have mentors or confidants who are willing to tell them "no" and bring them back down to earth. As competitive as he was, both as a player and a coach, he was incorruptible.” Gail Goodrich“Coach Wooden never talked about winning and losing, but rather about the effort to win. Become a better coach this season with leadership tips based on John Wooden's coaching principles.

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john wooden attributes