london oratory school uniform

Each day there will be four sessions aimed at 4The week-long sequence of sessions will enable young people to find out about sectors and specific roles in a range of industries and take part in projects that mirror typical workplace challenges. Do feel free to get involved with this charity if you'd like to.

Please click on the link below for further information.The London Enterprise Adviser Network is working with Oak National Academy to provide a programme of careers sessions looking at goal setting, employability skills and labour market information.

Here you can; set yourself a reading challenge, record your reading, earn badges, play games and much more.

The team behind World Book Day have provided free access to a range of popular children’s audiobooks, which range from picture books through to teen fiction. As next week has been designated for revision for the timed tasks, which all fourth form pupils will be doing the following week, pupils who remain at home across this week will still have plenty of material to keep them engaged in their studies.We have received some enquiries from parents as to what will be happening in terms of internal formal assessments scheduled for the Trinity term. In any planning, we will give consideration to how long the pupils have been away from their lessons and make adjustments to the timing and content of assessments accordingly.Remote Learning Guidance for Pupils and Parents: read We have published a list of online resources that parents, and schools can consider to support children to continue learning at home. Staff at The Oratory understand how important communication home is to every boarder.

If so, I will instruct the catering service to prepare lunches in paper bags.
Parents understand fully that staff may choose to record the sessions they give for training and quality purposes; this will include pupil audio, chat and video input.4. At this time of supply shortage, if you do not qualify for FSM but are in dire circumstances (or know of others who are), then please we need to know.

See the challenges Now that we are coming to the time the fifth form and upper sixth form would have been commencing their Study Leave we have prepared a Bridging Bundle to advise on how pupils may wish to use their time to engage in individual study and preparation, with their next educational step in mind, or simply for the intrinsic pleasure of it. The London Oratory ("the Congregation of the Oratory of St Philip Neri in London") is a Catholic community of priests living under the rule of life established by its founder, Philip Neri (1515-1595). These activities and resources will help pupils boost their skills and imagine their next steps.Each week they will be featuring exclusive content to give pupils a glimpse into what it is like to work in particular industries.The government has launched a new cyber school for 14 -17 year olds. Most browsers are automatically set to accept cookies but usually you can alter the settings of your browser to prevent automatic acceptance. Educational insight in your inbox. From 3.10pm – 3.40pm some teachers will be available for subject specific enquiries.Pupils will be expected to attend in full school uniform and bring with them any books or equipment needed for the subjects listed above. Please email Please do contact the Housemasters or Mr Mantio if concerned about any pupil or family at this time (see staff contact list in the link above. If you choose not to receive cookies, you may still use most of the features of our website. Homework is rigorously monitored and it’s a detention for repeated failure to produce it. Looking for reading suggestions? All correspondence between teachers and pupils and teachers and parents relating to the use of Zoom or Teams must be via School emails; the sharing of mobile phone numbers or private emails is strictly forbidden.At this difficult time some people may appreciate the opportunity to have a case of fine wine delivered to their front door.
The London Oratory School, London.

On arrival on site pupils must not enter the building until they have reported to the area in front of Reception where they will find instructions and access information.We very much hope to see as many fourth form as possible in school next week but we do understand that this is not going to be possible for all.

)Clearly, this will take some time to implement.

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london oratory school uniform