maps with compass

Don't use sheep, as they tend to move. Thank you for taking the time to do this.I have a Brunton compass and the orienting lines on my compass are not parallel to north; how can I adjust this? At the moment GB magnetic variations are between -1° and 4°.Pick up your compass and turn your compass bezel anticlockwise to ADD the positive magnetic variations, or clockwise to SUBTRACT negative variations.Many compasses have a smaller scale inside the compass housing to make this easier, or use the outer scale. Here's a step-by-step guide to using compass bearings.We're going to assume you are working with the most common type of compass used for navigation, the baseplate (or orienteering) compass, and know what the various bit are called.

This is shown on the map legend or key inside each of our paper maps, along with the date it was calculated. You're correct about reading a map- if using UTM then right and up, or easting then northing is the way to go. Look up, and pick an object in the distance that's in exactly the right direction. Ian.I know how to use a compass but I can’t work out how to attach the neck cord with the fittings supplied with my new OS compassAs an ex squaddie I use a silva compass but in mils, I was always taught that the magnetic variation is annual and so if the map is 10 years old then the variation needs to be multiplied by 10 then added to the bearing, is this still the case?Yes, magnetic north changes, around 30km every 6 months, so it’s always best to check Nice one, needed to revise myself on the basics as its been around 11 years since i used a map and compass and planning a trip up Ben Nevis later this month. Hear what Steve has to say about knowing your compass and how to take a compass bearing in these two short videos:Learning how to use a compass is an important outdoor skill; not just for walkers, but cyclists and runners too. 0. bellrom.

Clicking 'OK' on the display will adjust the red compass direction of travel arrow to compensate for magnetic declination. Magnetic variation is the difference between grid north and magnetic north whereas declination is the difference between true north and magnetic north. Look for 'magnetic north'.

ThanksOK total newbie to all this …i live in Caernarfon so when i take a bearing off the map do i then add 2 degrees to the reading to adjust for the magnetic diffrence…eg….if the map bearing said 65 degrees would i need to add 2 degrees to make it 67 degrees to be on the right track….

Here's a step-by-step guide to using compass bearings. Repeat this until you reach your destination (point B).If you’re unsure about using a compass the best thing to do is get the map of an area you know really well, perhaps somewhere local to where you live, and is somewhere that you wouldn’t usually need a map to get around. Rotate the compass housing so that the parallel lines contained within, line up with south/north grid lines on the map. Really enjoyed the short snappy videos break this down into easy chunks of information and mean it is easier to absorb. Even with a GPS in your phone, knowing how to navigate using a map and a compass is a great life skill. Unfortunately, this 'ible doesn't have much to do with using the coordinate grid on a map. Turn yourself The direction of travel arrow should still point straight ahead - that's the way you are going, towards B. Mag to Grid, Get Rid.” only works when magnetic north is west of grid north so I’m afraid it doesn’t work in the far south west anymore!N.B. I’ll be back next week to talk about magnetic north.Thanks for these videos Gemma, they’re going to be great for teaching Cubs and Scouts the basics. The first is true north – this is where the north pole is and for the purposes of navigation can be ignored. The compass bearing display adjusted for magnetic declination (12.34º in the above example) will appear in the lower right corner.

Learn how to create your own. This way you shouldn’t get yourself lost (as it’s an area you know really well) and you can check that the direction you think you should be traveling in matches what the compass is telling you!Make sure that the direction of travel arrow is pointing in the direction you want to walk in – it’s called the direction of travel arrow for a reason!Always make sure that the orienting arrow is pointing to grid north (the top of the map) rather than grid south (the bottom of the map) – even if you are walking south – the orienting arrow still needs to point north.Unless you always want to walk due north – follow the direction of travel arrow rather than the compass needle.Make sure that the landmark you pick is a feature on the landscape that is not liable to move – pick a tree, gate post, gorse bush or boulder for example rather than a cow, sheep, person or bird!Happy exploring!

On UK maps, grid north doesn’t equal true north, so we’re adjusting our compass bearings for magnetic variation not declination.

Map or true bearing in degrees. Mils are used by the military and the scale is divided to 6400 mils for a circle (64, on the bezzle) which is 360 degrees on a normal compass bezzle. The next one is grid north – this is the top of your map. Walk around in a circle until you have the compass needle lined up with the orienting arrow. Look at the index line – this has given you your bearing from the map. Have a look at the legend on your Ordnance Survey map and you will see that there is a section called North Points.

Now you can lift the compass off the map. Required fields are marked Extremes in directions I have visited. These markings are used to get bearings (the direction from where you are, to where you want to go).If you rotate the ring to line-up the red north of the needle to the red arrow on the baseplate, a bearing can be taken from the compass ring.Before we move on to how to use a compass we also need to understand the three different norths that there are.

When it comes to compass navigation – this is an important section of the legend.There are three norths. Magnetic variation and declination aren’t synonymous in the UK.

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maps with compass