rights of the elderly

1, eff. Sept. 1, 1997. These records are confidential and may not be released without permission, except to another person providing services at the time the elderly individual is transferred; or if required by another law.Elderly individuals have the right to understand and participate in their treatment plans, by:An elderly person may keep and use his or her personal possessions, including clothing and furnishings, as space permits.

PROHIBITION. (d) An elderly individual with an intellectual disability who has a court-appointed guardian of the person may participate in a behavior modification program involving use of restraints or adverse stimuli only with the informed consent of the guardian. This may be a violation of the person's rights, and should prompt a call to The Department of Family and Protective Services or a reputable attorney for advice.An elderly person is entitled to access his or her own personal and clinical records. Except in an emergency, restraints may only be administered by qualified medical personnel. (n) An elderly individual may refuse medical treatment after the elderly individual:(1) is advised by the person providing services of the possible consequences of refusing treatment; and(2) acknowledges that the individual clearly understands the consequences of refusing treatment. (e) An elderly individual may not be prohibited from communicating in the individual's native language with other individuals or employees for the purpose of acquiring or providing any type of treatment, care, or services. The elderly individual may authorize in writing another person to manage the individual's financial affairs. (a) An elderly individual has all the rights, benefits, responsibilities, and privileges granted by the constitution and laws of this state and the United States, except where lawfully restricted.

The person providing service shall promptly respond to resolve the complaint. Amended by Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch. The number of personal possessions may be limited for the health and safety of other individuals. The elderly individual has the right to be free of interference, coercion, discrimination, and reprisal in exercising these civil rights. In situations where a nursing home, family member or guardian has been granted permission to manage a person’s money, that person still has the right to decide how his or herSometimes a family member, "friend," or nursing home takes control of an elderly person's money without that person's permission—often for his or her "own good." (s) Except in an emergency, a person providing services may not transfer or discharge an elderly individual from a residential facility until the 30th day after the date the person providing services provides written notice to the elderly individual, the individual's legal representative, or a member of the individual's family stating:(1) that the person providing services intends to transfer or to discharge the elderly individual;(2) the reason for the transfer or discharge listed in Subsection (r);(3) the effective date of the transfer or discharge;(4) if the individual is to be transferred, the location to which the individual will be transferred; and(5) the individual's right to appeal the action and the person to whom the appeal should be directed.
A person providing services may use physical or chemical restraints only if the use is authorized in writing by a physician or the use is necessary in an emergency to protect the elderly individual or others from injury. 936, Sec. (j) An elderly individual is entitled to access to the individual's personal and clinical records. This means that the elderly person has the right to:If protection for an elderly person is required, he or she has the right to designate a guardian or representative to ensure quality care over his or her affairs.The elderly have the right to be free of both physical and mental abuse. 936, Sec. Sept. 1, 1997.Sec. LIST OF RIGHTS. On request of the elderly individual or the individual's representative, the person designated to manage the elderly individual's financial affairs shall make available the related financial records and provide an accounting relating to the financial management. The elderly individual has the right to be free of interference, coercion, discrimination, and reprisal in exercising these civil rights. Amended by Acts 1997, 75th Leg., ch. 475, Sec. (i) An elderly individual may manage the individual's personal financial affairs. This right applies to medical treatment, written communications, telephone conversations, meeting with family, and access to resident councils.

475, Sec. Sept. 1, 1997.Sec. The elderly individual may choose the manner in which his or her money is managed by another person, and may choose the least restrictive of methods, such as:A person designated to manage an elderly individual's money must comply with all applicable policies, laws and rules. (h) An elderly individual may participate in activities of social, religious, or community groups unless the participation interferes with the rights of other persons. Aug. 26, 1985; Acts 1991, 72nd Leg., ch.
This means that the elderly individual:(1) has the right to make the individual's own choices regarding the individual's personal affairs, care, benefits, and services;(2) has the right to be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation; and(3) if protective measures are required, has the right to designate a guardian or representative to ensure the right to quality stewardship of the individual's affairs. RIGHTS CUMULATIVE. In the Philippines, there are rarely record of physical and mental abuse among elderly people, however, the plight of the elderly mendicants roaming around the cities needs to be attended to. A nursing home must have an effective procedure for receiving complaints from elderly people and for responding to those complaints. 284(20), (30), eff. 1, eff. The complaint may be made anonymously or communicated by a person designated by the elderly individual.

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rights of the elderly