scp foundation vs star wars

You are indeed where you belong. Any stars wars buffs who can tell me how effective nukes are?The giant Grand Wave motion cannon has been stated to be surface wiping, and a bit more.

We know it has at least multiple self repair networks, and considering that it fired its main gun in atmosphere and burned off most of the planet, I'd say that it should be able to take a lot.

These paranormal examples are creatures, entities, events, phenomenons, artifacts, and objects that threaten the normalcy/order of the world, and the worldwide Men-in-Black organization the SCP Foundation do everything in their nigh-omniscient and seemingly limitlessly funded power to contain these anomalies. There exist very complex and abstract higher dimensional beings but most of them are not explicitly documented and the ones that are have not displayed any feats demonstrating such power. I don't think the Death Star has a maneuverability advantage here.The GRAND WAVE MOTION PROJECTION CANNON is nice and all, but I'm particularly interested in Instance #: 99-0040, the electronic warfare suite. No combat feats. On three walls there is a star carved for every member of the Foundation who has died in the line of duty. The SCP Foundationis a creative fiction website detailing top-secret investigations, research, and containment policies of the paranormal. "Warning: Do not, under any circumstances, attempt test firing in-atmosphere. And SCP-2722 doesn't have to worry about Earth either, so it can use Instance #: 11-3603 to teleport. According to locally available instructions, these devices can accelerate to approximately 0.3 C when launched from the 13-0909 weapons systems. Not matter what the payload is, it's hitting the Death Star at two hundred Fuck the extra nukes, they have guns whose projectile's sheer speed makes them a nuclear threat.SCP-2722, while large, is only 23 km at most. Resulted in loss of atmosphere, planetary crust, contents of waste sacs. If just one of these things got into the Death Star could turn into a bloodbath.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castIf you love to imagine the planet-exploding battles of the fictional gods who will never be, taking pointless knowledge gathered from a life spent reading and gaming and swinging it like a gladiator's sword in discussions on reddit... then welcome home, my friend.

Oh dear, another fandom vs fandom. Star Vs. But the Death Star's not coming for Earth, it's coming for SCP-2722.

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That's 201,184,988.8m/h. In one story, the foundation accidentally locks Seattle away from the world in a time loop using them. Extremely varied, due to the massively varied nature of SCPs.

Presumably, SCP-2722 has shielding. Only four entities have been stated to have this level of power and are capable of destroying the entirety of their at least 196884-dimensional multiverse. Also, I'm not sure if the fighter complement is larger than that of the Rebels. The largest single propulsion system is a series of 8 heavily-reinforced dish-shaped armour plates mounted near the stern, apparently constituting the 'pusher-plate' component of a nuclear pulse propulsion drive. Thus, it is much smaller target compared to the Death star, and should have an easier time avoiding attacks. Resulted in loss of atmosphere, planetary crust...The main problem is that none of the subsystems describe any usable method of propulsion. Size tells you nothing about the ship's propulsion mechanisms when they come from settings with completely different technological capabilities.Those Scranton anchors will probably also eliminate force powers.That subsystems page looks like it was written by many fans of Do not, under any circumstances, attempt test firing in-atmosphere. No test runs have been authorized.Given that they travel at .3 C, that should deal a good amount of damage. SCP-2722 is currently powered by 45 catalogued electrical power systems, most of them derivations of conventional nuclear fission or fusion concepts.If the Death Star were capable of short-range hyperspace hops it wouldn't have had to spend a long period of time at sublight speeds getting around Yavin for a clear shot at the Rebel-held moon.Granted, Earth won't have the protection of a gas giant to hide behind. Thus, it is much smaller target compared to the Death star, and should have an easier time avoiding attacks. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I remember hearing that they negate reality warping and set reality to a predetermined constant.

"I'm not sure how good the shields of the death star are, but this should give them a good beating.For fighters, there is a hangar complement for 24 planes each equipped with nuclear devices.

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scp foundation vs star wars