ss baychimo ship

On 1 October 1931, the Baychimo was completing the end of a trading run and loaded heavy with a cargo of fur. The captain was somewhat reluctant to battle the snows to try and find the ship, but he gathered his crew and indeed found the Baychimo in the location the hunter had described. It was decided the Baychimo was unlikely to survive the winter, the furs were removed and the rest of the crew was airlifted.Against the odds, Baychimo did not sink, and over the next 40, she was sighted on numerous occasions. All rights reserved.
People managed to get on board her several times. Launched in 1914 by the Hudson Bay Company, the SS Baychimo was originally named Ångermanelfven after a river in Sweden where it was built. Founded in 1914 by the Hudson Bay Company SS Baychimo was originally named Ångermanelfven after a river in Sweden where it was built.

It is as if the ship has just vanished without a trace from the face of the earth.The fate of the Baychimo ghost ship and her cargo, which is still in her hold untouched, remain unknown. The SS Baychimo launched in 1914 under the name of Ångermanelfven. She wasn’t even on the shore. Her new mission was collecting fur pelts and trading them for sugar, tea, tobacco, and weapons along the Canadian coast, during the summer seasons.For the next ten years, reaching a top speed of 12 miles per hour, SS Baychimo circumnavigated the globe, carrying supplies between Scotland and Canada. ?ngermanelfven was built in Gothenberg in 1914 as a small cargo ship for the Baltische Rederei. You may not have heard of the SS Baychimo, but it is one of the most unusual ships in all of maritime history. The SS Baychimo ghost ship was a steel-hulled 1,322 ton, a steam-powered vessel that started its life in Sweden when it was constructed in 1914.. Its career as an ocean-going cargo ship started under the name Ångermanelfven for a German shipping company, where it spent some time as a trading vessel operating between Hamburg and Sweden until World War I began. And then on October 1, 1931, while SS Baychimo was on her way to Vancouver, she got trapped in early season ice pack near Barrow, Alaska — the 11th northernmost community in the world.The ship was at the end of a trade run and the crew needed to wait a few days for the ice to break, so they hiked for a half mile over the ice to the Alaskan town. They were able to make it to their destination and took shelter in Barrow for two days before returning to check on the status of their abandoned ship.When they arrived, they were surprised to find that the vessel had broken free of the ice in their absence and was aimlessly drifting about the area. After WWI she was passed to the Hudson Bay Company, renamed Baychimo and made several trips the Candian Arctic coast, before being trapped in the ice in 1931. Due to the approaching ice floes, however, the captain did not have the time to bring it back to a port, although he did report the empty ship’s location.In 1969, the Baychimo was spotted at a distance, once again trapped in an ice pack. Receiving provisions from the company, they were prepared to stubbornly wait out the entire winter if that was what it took.The crew that had remained behind lost sight of the ship and when the storm lifted the following day, the Baychimo ghost ship was nowhere to be seen. After WWI, the ship’s ownership was transferred to the Hudson’s Bay Company. In addition, towlines connected to the Baychimo often snapped either due to rough seas, jagged ice, or even at times for no apparent reason at all, and all of this gave the distinct and eerie impression that the wayward Baychimo did not want to be boarded.Due to the difficulties that all who tried had in their efforts to board or salvage the ship, the Baychimo over the years accrued a reputation as being a cursed vessel, a bad omen, and by 1939 there were many ships that would flee rather than approach upon sighting it.It was thought that the ship had finally run out of whatever power had kept it going all those years and finally sunk, but in March 1962, a group of Inuits saw it drifting along near the coastline of the Beaufort Sea.The ghost ship had returned from wherever it had gone. Luck was on their side, and they managed to track down the Baychimo exactly where the hunter had said it would be and they eagerly boarded.After an examination of the Baychimo’s condition, the captain decided that it had been too badly damaged by its ordeal in the ice, and was unlikely to remain seaworthy through the winter.It was surmised that the vessel would soon break apart and sink, so the crew frantically salvaged some of the more valuable furs they had been transporting and had them airlifted by The Hudson Bay Company, after which the ship was abandoned and left to its inevitable fate.People began to report seeing the ship cruising about the cold north Atlantic waters, totally intact and seemingly unmanned. But in 1931 she got away from her crew and wandered the ocean as a Ghost Ship for the next 40 years!The SS Baychimo started out as the Ångermanelfven and was used on routes for trade between Hamburg and Sweden. The captain had to abandon her. When a salvage party came to investigate the 1969 report of the Baychimo in ice, it had vanished by the time anyone arrived.After this 1969 account, it was widely believed that this time, the sea had finally conquered the vessel and that it had sunk, but no trace of wreckage was ever found despite a few searches for it in the area where it was last seen.In 2006, there was a resurgence of interest in the mysterious fate of the Baychimo ghost ship, and the government of Alaska announced its intentions to locate the vessel.

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ss baychimo ship