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Lecture automatique. Since 2003 the festival has highlighted the importance of the city's cultural landmarks as it spreads a variety of performances, events and workshops for range of audiences across its five days. EDITO NUITS SONORES 2019 TEEN SPIRIT . Nuits Sonores 2019. 2019’s edition was curated by Bonobo, Peggy Gou, Maceo Plex, Lena Willikens and James Blake which should go some way to indicate the festival’s status as an underground authority.The beauty of Nuits Sonores is the sheer quantity of events both throughout the day and way into the night, meaning it’s possible to dip in and out of raves, whilst enjoying the tranquility of Lyon.Nuits Sonores 2020 was postponed to 2021, due to the coronavirus outbreak. Le festival pour les enfants et les parents est de retour les 30 mai et 1er juin 2019. The airport is located 25km east of Lyon.The Rhônexpress tram connects the airport to Lyon’s Part-Dieu Station in around 30 minutes.The city is also accessible by train from the rest of France and neighbouring Europe. À suivre. / Andrew Weatherall / Nubya Garcia / Kelly Lee Owens / Djrum / The Comet Is Coming / James Blake / Jon Hopkins / Mall Grab / Sky H1 / Lorenzo Senni / Model 500 / J-Zbel / I Hate Models / Maoupa Mazzocchetti / Deena Abdelwahed [Khonnar live] / 3Phaz / MALA / Low Jack & Simo Cell / Roi Perez / Ben UFO / Peggy Gou / Yu Su / Glenn Underground / GE-OLOGY / Mystic Jungle / Nu Guinea / The Mauskovic Dance Band / Madben / Jensen Interceptor / Danny Daze / Maceo Plex / Mariel Ito / C.A.R / Radioactive Man / Ectomorph / Mars Levi / Midland / Joy Orbison / MEUTE / Sama’ / Richie Hawtin / Laurent Garnier / Abschaum / Curses / Nitzer Ebb / Marcell Dettmann / Volvox & Umfang / De Dupe / Rago & Farina / Camion Bazar / Zaltan / Barbara Boeing / Willikens & Ivkovic / Batu / Donatu Dozzy / Nika Son / Toulouse Low Trax / Mutant Beat Dance / Marie Davidson / OKO DJ / Philip Jondo / Elena Colombi / I-F / Flavien Berger / Charlotte Gainsbourg / Jayda G / The Black Madonn / Mambo Chick / Jeff Mills & Tony Allen / Nihiloxia / Bufiman B2B DJ Normal 4 / HAAi / Front de Cadeaux / Nova Materia / Marvin & Guy / Jennifer Cardini B2B LokierThe city of Lyon offers a wide range of accommodation options. Vous pouvez modifier ces paramètres à tout moment.

While Arty Farty – two decades old in 2019 – celebrates reaching adulthood, the Nuits Sonores festival continues to embrace its teenage years with the same energy and convictions as ever. NUITS SONORES. Disponible du 17/06/2019 au 19/08/2020 Découvrez l'offre VOD-DVD de la boutique ARTE Si l’Australien Mikey Melas a quitté son île natale pour faire danser les fêtards de Nuits sonores, c’est parce qu’il a répondu à l’appel de Maceo Plex – le célèbre DJ d’origine cubaine étant à … Par Marine Bidegain. Nuits Sonores is an electronic music festival in the historic city of Lyon. Vous pouvez modifier ces paramètres à tout moment. 17 years. La plupart des grands sites web font de même. Clap! Nuits Sonores is set across an array on venues in Presqu'ile, Lyon. Nuits sonores 2019. Mini Sonore 2019. Pour plus d'informations quant à la suppression des cookies, veuillez consulter la fonction d'aide de votre navigateur. Each day at Nuits Sonores, the venue hosted live performances, with Nubya Garcia heading up a four-piece band on Wednesday evening. Danny Daze est né et est basé à Miami. Nuits Sonores is an electronic music festival in the historic city of Lyon, France. 03—06 October 2019 / 3rd edition. Recorded live at Nuits Sonores 2019, 15:00 - 18:00, before Donato Dozzy took over. Juliette Bassine. Nuits Sonores is an electronic music festival in the historic city of Lyon. Auteur. Nuits Sonores is an electronic music festival in the historic city of Lyon, France. EN SAVOIR PLUS AU SUJET DES COOKIES QUE NOUS UTILISONS. & EUROPEAN LAB More info on the festival’s website Maryisonacid / Shanti Celeste / Bonobo / Frankie Francis / Alexander Nut / Clap! Cette année encore, une programmation de folie, des lieux remarquables et des milliers de festivaliers se retrouvent du 28 au 02 juin 2019 ! Pour assurer le bon fonctionnement de ce site, nous devons parfois enregistrer de petits fichiers de données (cookies) sur nos utilisateurs. Disponible du 17/06/2019 au 19/08/2020. ... 2019 Lineup. Napolitains et … Ticket holders can request either a voucher, for a ticket for the 2021 edition, or a refund. Déterminez quels cookies vous voulez autoriser. Après avoir été le foyer du rock dans les années 70-80, Lyon se fait aujourd’hui capitale des musiques électroniques. In addition to sets from a plethora of DJ talent, the festival also boasts celebrated names to help curate the lineup. | 19 — 24 may 2020 | Lyon — France. Déterminez quels cookies vous voulez autoriser. Toutefois, cela peut avoir pour conséquence que certaines fonctions ne soient plus disponibles. MENU. Since 2003 the festival has highlighted the importance of the city’s cultural landmarks as it spreads a variety of performances, events and workshops for range of audiences across its five days. festival électro musique contemporaine. Voir sur la carte.

Festival Nuits Sonores 2019.
0 j'aime 20 vues. 24 mai 2019. Festival Nuits Sonores 2019. Book your stay for Nuits Sonores Festival using the map below or Lyon is well connected by rail with the rest of France and major European cities.Lyon-Saint Exupéry Airport (LYS) is 25 km away east of Lyon.The Rhônexpress tram connects the airport to Lyon’s Part-Dieu Station in 30 minutes.Book Hotels & Airbnbs near the Venue at the lowest Prices online! Since 2003 the festival has highlighted the importance of the city's cultural landmarks as it spreads a variety of performances, events and workshops for range of audiences across its five days. Paula Temple à Nuits sonores (2018) 60 min. Since 2003 the festival has highlighted the importance of the city’s cultural landmarks as it spreads a variety of performances, events and workshops for range of audiences across its five days.In addition to sets from a plethora of DJ talent, the festival also boasts celebrated names to help curate the lineup. Nuits sonores Colombie : 12 — 15 juin 2019 - Bogotá / Manizales / Medellín Les enfants sont attendus comme chaque année pour leur événement rien qu'à eux ! Concert capté le 30 mai 2019 au festival Nuits Sonores, Lyon.

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