subaru pronunciation japanese

I only speak a little Japanese. Quote from the Related Link: "The Subaru telescope is named after the young star cluster Pleiades, whose Japanese name is 'Subaru'. Synonyms for subaru impreza

A compound Japanese word, “Mitsu” meaning “three” and “bishi” meaning diamonds, is quite literally the description of the Mitsubishi logo, composed of three red diamonds on a white background.Mazda Motor Corporation is also based somewhat on a founder’s name, Jujiro Matsuda.

Mazda, pronounced “We hope that you enjoyed this little lesson in Japanese. All Rights Reserved Italiano All Languages Vous pouvez l'améliorer ? Partager la prononciation de Subaru en Français:

Macedonian More info about the name "Subaru" Subaru is a Japanese name and means 'Pleiades'. Latest News on Japanese Used Cars, Trucks, Buses, and More from BE FORWARD, Leading Japanese Used Car Exporter.Today, as one of the premier used Japanese car exporters in the country, we thought it would be interesting to talk about Japanese automakers themselves. Vous pouvez l'améliorer ? Slovak Esperanto Portuguese What did you say? Vous pouvez l'améliorer ?

Much like the way ‘hot dog,’ an English word, has now made its way into the Japanese language, albeit with a very different pronunciation.

Latin Indonesian Pronounce Albanian Definition of Subaru in the dictionary.

Votre accent est différent ? French Votre accent est différent ? See that entry for further details. Antonyms for subaru impreza Português If you recall, Lexus actually didn’t originate in Japan, but was an invention for the North American market, where Lexus vehicles were first destined for marketing. Vous pouvez l'améliorer ? The Pleiades or 'The seven sisters', as they are colloquially known, are a constellation of stars in the night sky. Polski Serbian

You can try again.Since you have exceeded your time limit, your recording has been stopped. Italian English Indonesian French Partager la prononciation de Subaru en Italien: Ce site utilise des cookies pour améliorer votre expérience d'utilisateur. Cookies on rating Español Portuguese Ask your friends Votre accent est différent ? Votre accent est différent ? 14. German Afrikaans Keep up.Oops! Votre accent est différent ? Greek …

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subaru pronunciation japanese