thomas marshall templar

Once, twice, and even a third time, if I am not mistaken, you have asked me, my dear Hugh, to write an encouraging sermon to you and your fellow soldiers.Hugh knew Bernard personally.
After significant petitioning, Bernard eventually wrote him a long letter, ‘in praise of the new knighthood’.Hugh’s intention had been to get some words of spiritual comfort for his knights.He can have had no idea how epoch-defining Bernard’s letter would turn out to be.A medieval book of St Bernard’s writings containing the It began to circulate widely, copied repeatedly by scribes as it passed from hand to hand across Christendom.In no time, Bernard’s letter became the Order’s official press release and public mission statement.As more and more people read Bernard’s thundering words, the Templars’ lives, and the Crusades, were changed forever.Bernard used the letter as an opportunity to crack European military society wide open, describing how the knights of Europe were vain, arrogant, and godless. Elite Templar Knights chosen to be the Marshall's bodyguard to protect the Templar commander on and off the field of battle. They shave their hair, knowing from the Apostle that it is shameful for a man to have flowing locks. He was positioning the church’s fighting monks as the elite spearhead of the crusader armies.Although at the time it looked like Bernard’s vision of church warriors was coming out of the blue, with hindsight he was pulling together a number of currents in medieval theology and taking them to a new, more extreme conclusion.For instance, for several centuries, the church’s Peace and Truce of God movements had forced knights to swear oaths on holy relics to limit the randomness of their destructivity and Christianize their indiscriminate violence.Then, at the end of the previous century, Pope St Gregory And finally, on launching the First Crusade in 1095, Pope Urban All of these developments saw the church trying to harness knights to become enforcers of church policy.But Bernard, writing in the depths of the French countryside miles from any of the great clashes of civilizations, took it to the next level again.He had already transformed medieval religious society by smashing the monopoly of the black monks and building up an army of white ones. Round 1: Tiberius. Round 2: Naevia. Round 3: Caesar They rarely wash and seldom tidy their hair, content to be disheveled and dusty, unkempt, covered in dust and blackened by the marks of the sun and their armour.Because their military life was steeled with a strong religious discipline, Bernard declared the Templars to be the ultimate fighting machines:Truly, [the Templar] is a fearless knight, secure on every side, for as his body is encased in iron, his soul is protected with the breastplate of faith. The church had long lived by the maxim From his monastic cell in rural Champagne, Bernard answered unambiguously with his trademark authority:Go forth confidently, knights … .

Check out Danièle Cybulskie’s article “The afterlife of the Templars: From fighting injustice to ruling the world” in the latest © 2007-2020 They accept people of every rank, and defer to skill not noble blood. The abbey did not sell itself well.

It lacked support and was heading for closure.The young man who knocked on its gates was called Bernard. Thomas Marshall. Andrew knew Bernard inside out: he was Bernard’s maternal uncle and friend, and the two corresponded intimately throughout their lives.Unsurprisingly, Hugh got his wish. But its philosophy was new, and a radical break with the past.A Rule of St Benedict from the time of Hugh of Payns and St BernardSince the early 500s, all European monks had lived by a ‘Rule’ (a constitution setting out how a monastery was to be run) devised by St Benedict, a wise and seasoned recluse from Umbria in Italy.For the following half millennium, there were no other monasteries in Europe.

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thomas marshall templar