torrance library online

Use our Business database to search thousands of U.S. companies, use our online Encyclopedia, Auto Repair and Historical Torrance Newspaper Archive from the comfort of your own home.The Torrance Public Library catalog allows you to search the Library’s collections for materials including books, music, movies, and audiobooks. Starting August 30, 2020, we will move all of our Axis 360 titles to Overdrive's Libby. Job Now provides live interactive online help to guide you through the necessary tasks to get a job, such as resume help, and JobScout is a user-friendly resource for job listings.The library is a fantastic place to expand your horizons by volunteering and making a positive impact in someone’s life.Our Words on Wheels volunteers provide delivery services to individuals who cannot physically visit the library. You have the choice of several search options (Basic Search, Power Search, and Browse Subjects), the ability to see book reviews, best-seller lists, and coming soon titles. Our Homework Centers provide on-site homework centers and helpers, as well as live online homework help, textbooks, software, supplies, and more.

All of our excellent Online Media is available from any computer device with Internet access! Home; Services. Manage your holds and renew your materials all in one convenient location.Click Below to Discover Our Online Media Resources:We offer a wide array of Online Services to make your experience with the library even more convenient. Katy Geissert Civic Center Library. Our services for seniors and people with disabilities are designed to break down barriers to accessing community and library resources. We sell just about every category of books, including textbooks and comics. HOURS. Vy N. Gardena, CA. July 24-25, 2020 Book Sale Cancelled. Nov. 11. North Torrance Library: Is DELINQUENT. There is a note field if you would like your gift to be in honor of or in memory of someone.

You may do so online once you log into your account or call the library directly. From free events for all ages, to Ebooks, homework help, career resources, volunteer opportunities, and more – there’s more going on at the Library than ever before!The library has a wide variety of engaging programs to inform and entertain people of all ages. The library also offers Mango Languages, an online language-learning system which teaches actual conversation skills for a wide variety of languages.Click Below to Learn More About Learning Centers for:Our Career Resources help make the challenging task of choosing an occupation a little less stressful. Friends ensure that our library has the resources it needs by raising funds to supplement programs and services. All Day. These volunteers deliver books, including large print, audiobooks, music and more to bring enjoyment to others.The Friends of the Torrance Library is a volunteer group which plans book sales, special programs, and more – volunteer today to support the library!Click Below to Learn More About Becoming A Volunteer:All the information you need about the Torrance Public Library in one convenient place! The Friends hold four book sales a year, in January, April, July and October. When you visit the Torrance Public Library, you’ll soon discover we offer so much more than books – although we have quite a few of those, too! Friday, October 23rd 2-6 pm. The Torrance Library is a cultural, educational and recreational asset to the community. On June 29, 2020, at approximately 11:36 PM, Torrance Police Officers responded to the Staybridge Suites, located at 19901 Prairie Avenue regarding shots fired. From youth story times and after school programs for grade school children, teen events, workshops, video game competitions, after school movies, book clubs, and more – it’s great to be a kid at the library! Your donation is tax deductible to the extent provided by law. All Day. All Torrance Libraries Closed. Torrance Public Library, Torrance, CA.

You have the choice of several search options (Basic Search, Power Search, and Browse Subjects), the ability to see book reviews, best-seller lists, and coming soon titles.

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