trademark infringement cease and desist letter sample

For the good work.We’re glad you found the cease and desist templates so useful Puneet!Re: Infringement of Trademark Rights of [TRADEMARK OWNER].This law firm represents [TRADEMARK OWNER]. The trademark cease and desist is a letter that is issued by an individual or entity to a party that is in infringing upon their federally registered trademark. A cease and desist letter will quite often be the first course of action for infringement of copyright, trademarks or other Intellectual Property rights.
How to Defend Against Trademark Counterfeit. In any situation, dealing with debt collectors can be tough.

We have been informed that you have been spreading inaccurate and malicious information to damage their personal and professional reputation.Under the laws of ________ (State), it is unlawful for an individual to make deliberate, unfounded statements with the intent of harming an individual’s reputation.These defamatory statements include, but are not limited to: __________________________________________________(statements).This serves as a pre-suit letter requesting that you provide us written assurance within ______ (days) that you will cease and desist from issuing further inaccurate statements.If a neighbor keeps encroaching onto your property, you can use a cease and desist letter to request them to stop at once or suffer the legal consequences. It does not mean that the recipient is being sued (yet).

Your domain name registration date for [WWW.TRADEMARK.COM] domain was [DATE]. You can use them in a variety of circumstances that involves a clear violation of your personal rights.

If you do not confirm in writing by ______ (date) that you will cease and desist violation of our Agreement, a lawsuit may be commenced.No, you do not need a lawyer to send a cease and desist letter. The article also offers guidance on effective letter drafting, including evaluating the letter’s objective, tone, and demands.A cease and desist letter should be viewed as a prelude to litigation. Such letters may range from a polite … Please confirm and review that all infringement requests for removal have been met and are in accordance with the cease and desist letter that you have sent to me.

In addition, [TRADEMARK OWNER] has been actively involved in the community in its efforts to further promote its brand including its sponsorship of various events. In order to do this, you need to be able to fully understand your legal rights—talk to a lawyer if you’re unsure.Finally, your cease and desist letter needs to be specific about the actions the recipient must take in order to make the situation right again. A trademark is a way of identifying a unique product or service - such as a ' brand ', a logo, letter, number, phrase, word, sound, smell, shape, picture, movement, type of packaging, or some combination of these.

(footnote 1) As you are undoubtedly aware, your domain names are exactly the same as [TRADEMARK OWNER]’s Marks.Because of your use of these two domain names, [TRADEMARK OWNER] has already witnessed actual confusion in the market.

You are required to cease and desist all acts of harassment including but not limited to:______________________________________________________(acts).The listed actions are unwanted and unwarranted. To put it simply, just specify the action that you want the recipient to cease (and desist).Make sure that you include all relevant details about the event that has occurred that made you feel the need to write and send a cease and desist letter.
Whenever there is a clear threat that is present, write to the person and ask him to stop continuing their harmful action.

I recommend you consult with an attorney before taking any action.If you or your attorney have any questions, please feel free to contact me.Footnote 1: Minneaple Co. v. Nomandin, 338 N.W.2d 18 (Minn. 1983).I, [JOHN DOE] personally and on behalf of [OFFENDING COMPANY], agree to immediately cease and desist from any and all further use of [WWW.TRADEMARK.COM] and [WWW.TRADEMARK.COM]. Maybe you’re having some trouble with debt collectors.

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trademark infringement cease and desist letter sample