tropical montane forest in sri lanka

Although deciduous species exist in these forests their evergreen character is maintained by a few widespread species. The forests that cover it are relatively recent addition by comparison. Therefore, its floristic richness is much less, and consequently its faunal diversity as well.Sambhur, wild boar and black-naped hare feed in these grasslands at night but rest in the adjacent forests during the day. Of the twelve endemic genera of flora of the island, eleven are confined to rainforests. They resemble a parkland, with scattered, fire-tolerant trees dominated by Damanas, also known as dry low country parklands or grasslands, occur in the Ampara and Batticoloa districts of the eastern dry zone. Deciduous is where the leaves fall off periodically and grow again. Their structure is also less complex with all trees more or less arranged in a single layer. On the other hand, a parasite takes its food from the host plant itself. The tree trunks branch lower down and show no buttresses, compared with those in rainforests. Isolated patches can also be found on Knuckles, Namunukula and Haputale.The hot air of the lowlands rise during the morning hours and condense creating huge clouds, which become so heavy that they result in afternoon rains. These so-called pygmy rain forests can be found, for example, on Knuckles Wilderness. Dry mixed evergreens receive about 1,500-2,000 mm of annual rainfall in December to March northeast monsoon period but are mostly dry during the rest of the year. Their canopies normally reach heights of about 30 feet but on rare occasions extreme dwarf varieties of these jungles occur reaching no higher than about 3 feet. Mammals like the Leopard (When observing the climate of the rainforests, it does provide the ideal conditions for tropical evergreen forest tree species. While the tall (1.5 m) tussock grass A mangrove is a swampy area found in the costal areas and at river mouths. Inselbergs are rocky outcrops in a flat landscape.

The forest is characterized by broadleaf tree species with evergreen, glossy and elongated leaves, known as "laurophyll" or "lauroid". They are dominated by the tussock grassTalawa grasslands occur in the Haldumulla area, where the topsoil is eroded and truncated to some degree. Fourteen mangroves species and 12 associated species have been recorded. Sri Lanka Dry-Zone Dry Evergreen Forests.

The grassland/forest complex provides them an ideal system for survival. The dominant trees are Dun, Keena (The submontane forests in the central massif are dominated by a The tropical montane forests of Sri Lanka occur above 1500 m in the Central Highlands and Knuckles mountains, but their best development can be seen above 1800 m, and crown the highest mountains and plateaus of Sri Lanka. Sri LankaThe term "clearing-house" originally referred to a financial establishment where checks and bills are exchanged among member banks so that only the net balances need to be settled in cash. Nevertheless, they harbour one of Asia’s largest elephant populations, estimated at 3,500 to 4,000 animals and many large mammals. Mud skipper; a fish who enjoys a walk, the Fiddler crab with one big claw, are some. Root systems of the plants are shallow because majority of the nutrients are present on the surface of the ground soil layer. Floristically they are less rich than the forests of lower altitudes, but about 50% of all their species are endemic to Sri Lanka. The Rose Quartz Mountain Range has a history that spans back over 550 million years! Rainforest soil is a poor nutrient pool as many of the nutrients are attracted to the plant which has a greater demand for faster growth.These are the forests that occur in between the lowland and montane (mountainous) zone , i.e.

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tropical montane forest in sri lanka