truth about knights templar

(6) of Christianity. This manuscript, written in Greek on parchment, dated 1154, purports to be partly taken from a fifth-century MS. and relates that Hugues de Payens, first Grand Master of the Templars, was initiated in 1118--that is to say, in the year the Order was founded--into the religious doctrine of " the Primitive Christian Church" by its Sovereign Pontiff and Patriarch, Theoclet, sixtieth in direct succession from St. John the Apostle. G. Mollat, Les Papes d'Avignon, p. 233 (1912). Moreover, do the confessions of the Knights appear to be the outcome of pure imagination such as men under the influence of torture might devise ? E.J.

J.B. Fabré Palaprat, Recherches historiques sur les Templiers, p. 31 (1835). Dixit sibi quod non crederet in eum, quia nichil erat, et quod erat quidam falsus propheta, et nichil valebat ; immo crederet in Deum Celi superiorem qui poterat salvare." Eighteenth century illustration of Jacques de Molay, the 23rd and Last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, lead to the stake to burn for heresy. 21. What was the fate of the Templars' goods ? The truth of the last accusation is, however, open to question. So the Order of the Knights of the Temple was stained from its origin with schism and conspiracy against Kings. heresies " that had been " secretly intimated " to him. Thus Dr. --The Communis Manifesto.

had inscribed upon its banner, "Non nobis, Domine, sed nomini tuo da gloriam," was 13. " anti-Christian doctrines which we shall find continuing up to the present day ? "(50) According to Loiseleur, the idol they were taught to worship, the bearded head known to history as Baphomet, represented " the inferior god, organizer and dominator of the material world, author of good and evil here below, him by whom evil was introduced into creation. "(24) Evidence was also given against the Order by outside witnesses, and the same stories of intimidation at the ceremony of reception were told. 27, 28 (1911). It has generally been held that torture was not applied in England owing to the humanity of Edward II, who at first, absolutely refused to listen to any accusations against the Order. But in spite of these outward resemblances it does not appear from the confessions of the Knights that the secret doctrine of the Templars was that of the Assassins or of any Ismaili sect by which, in accordance with orthodox Islamism, Jesus was openly held up as a prophet, although, secretly, indifference to all religion was inculcated. He preached the love of God, the love of one's neighbour, and equality before the common Father of all men.


(68) The same idea is found in another book of the sect called the " Book of Adam," which represents Jesus as the perverter of St. John's doctrine and the disseminator of iniquity and perfidy throughout the world. It will be seen, then, that the accusation of heresy brought against the Templars Loiseleur arrives at the conclusion that the secret doctrine of the Templars was derived from the Bogomils : He was brought up at the school of Alexandria. Part I. p. 11. A few details concerning the trial in England may, however, be of interest. At this distance of time the guilt or innocence of the Templars will probably never be conclusively established either way ; on the mass of conflicting evidence bequeathed to us by history no one can pronounce a final judgement. According to Mr. Castle, whose interesting treatise we quote here, the King would not allow torture to be employed, with the result that the Knights denied all charges ; but later, it is said, he allowed himself to be overpersuaded, and torture appears to have been applied on one or two occasions "(22) with the result that three Knights confessed to all and were given absolution. Moved too fast for me.

(75) Eliphas Lévi even goes so far as to accuse the Templars of following the occult practices of the Luciferians, who carried the doctrines of the Bogomils to the point of paying homage to the powers of darkness :

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truth about knights templar