what is it called when a writer writes in an accent

Of course, it wouldn’t be in the government’s interests to do that to the most powerful language in the world… but my point is, it would be possible. For example in kiswahili language, we have kiswahili cha bara and kiswahili cha pwani, so both are dialects of kiswahili but within a dialect for example kiswahili cha bara, different people with regard to the effect of their first language, as kiswahili is the second language for the most Tanzanians, peole pronounce the same words differently. People would call me a low-down Abolitionist and despise me for keeping mum–but that don’t make no difference. Compare Castillian Spanish ‘playa’ (beach) with Catalan ‘platja’. Much easier with pen then key board. For what it’s worth.

There would be no possible way of having one spelling for the whole country, we would need several to keep everyone happy. Since I’m in Texas, let’s take a trip down the southern-accent highway.Mark Twain is probably the best known example of an author writing with an accent. dictionary that’s not Standard AmE. Most non-Americans do not know that everyone in America does not sound like the actors and actresses you hear on your favorite Hollywood films. There is an exception, however: writing with a dialect. standard suggestion is to apply the occasional word that feels like the accessory yet not plenty. You can sign in to vote the answer.Still have questions? All Right Reserved of its own that in a literary and advanced language like English should have a literary history of its own. As far as I’m concerned, it’s the latter… and that to me is a situation that makes far more sense. Most people think of an accent as something that other people have.

Sub-standard speech is simply that. For instance 'snake' becomes 'znake' when an italian says it. Use 'd' and 'f' instead of 'th' (because we really don't have this sound in our language) and in words beginning with 'sl', 'sn' and 'sm' you can replace the 's' with a 'z' (because our 's' is voiced before another voiced consonant). So General American English is a dialect of Language of English.

Anyone who spent any time at all in a high school English class is probably familiar with the story of Huckleberry Finn, which centers around a less-than-educated teenager … Likewise Australian English, etc. In my opinion, the reason why most regional variations in the UK are described as accents is because we all use the same spelling conventions, that happen not to be regular for any of us. For example, depending on where you live in England, one type of baked goods could be called buns, cobs or rolls. How do you think about the answers? all I know is that my English teacher does a feeble attempt at immitating my accent lolI’m in much the same boat, Kirsty, combining a British accent with the accent learned from my Trinidadian mother.I know as it stands, this is absolutely right… but I disagree with the way ‘accents’ and ‘dialects’ are recognised in general (in the UK at least). Would we be pronouncing the same word differently, or would we have two different words? standard suggestion is to apply the occasional word that feels like the accessory yet not plenty. Dialect refers to differences in accent, grammar and vocabulary among different versions of a language. Mark Twain is probably the best known example of an author writing with an accent. Submit a letter to the editor or write to [email protected]. British English is a different dialect of the English Language. The reason that you can tell the difference between people from Boston and the Appalachians, or between London and Manchester is because each group of people has a different way of pronouncing the same words. The whole notion of standardisation is laughable, as language is always evolving. Writers and others began to realize that unless a reader was from a particular background – German, Irish, Indian, or whatever – it could be very hard to decipher the words and understand what the writer is trying to say, especially when the writer … accent deals with sounds while dialect deals with the varieties in the vocabulary of a language. Writing Southernese is as much about the arrangement of words and word choice as it is the sound. Photo by Mike Fisher Mark Twain is probably the best known example of an author writing with an accent. However, incomers may speak the dialect of a region with a different accent. human beings won't conflict by using too a lot of that form of writing.It has to with the form of your question , some with # ? Its source is not different education– like US vs UK– but a lack of education. It is likely that when you speak in the dialect of a particular region, you will also speak in the accent of a particular region. Anyone who spent any time at all in a high school English class is probably familiar with the story of Huckleberry Finn, which centers around a less-than-educated teenager and an even-less-educated runaway slave. human beings won't conflict by using too a lot of that form of writing. But what would happen if we had a spelling reform? You don’t have to underscore a character’s southern-ness by dropping g’s and throwing in a bunch of Populist apostrophes after n’s–as in, I’m fixin’ to go ridin’ with Billy Bob . In saturated there writing in so much, they've not only failed to sound like they do in real life, but they've failed to represent their own intellect.

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what is it called when a writer writes in an accent