why literature matters dana gioia

In “Why literature matters”, an article from the New York Times Corporation by Dana Gioia, Gioia explores how living in the high-tech 21 st century has unfortunately deteriorated the percentage of Americans who read literature. Gioia expects that people will understand that they do need to read up on past events as well as other topics to be able to relate to society.Gioia’s goal is to reach out to his audience and to encourage them to read, and apply their intellectual abilities to their everyday life. To: Invalid E-mail address. But book reading of any kind is falling as well.That such a longstanding and fundamental cultural activity should slip so swiftly, especially among young adults, signifies deep transformations in contemporary life. He uses the word intellectual multiple times for effect. This is a good use of literary techniques because it backs up what Gioia is trying to prove to the audience.Gioia uses various stylistic elements to add power to the ideas expressed. April 28, 2016. In focusing on the social advantages of a literary education, however, we should not overlook the personal impact. Just as more ancient Greeks learned about moral and political conduct from the epics of Homer than from the dialogues of Plato, so the most important work in the abolitionist movement was the novel Gioia cites a 2001 poll on the National Association of American Manufactures stating stating that poor reading skills ranked second among its employees surveyed for skill deficiencies while 38% of employees believed local schools inadequately taught reading comprehension. By appealing his argument to people who are in control of others who are a part of the illiterate population, Gioia can put faith into the hope that his audience will make the problem he presented a solution. By the mid 20th century, America boasted internationally preeminent traditions in literature, art, music, dance, theater, and cinema. When you look at the decline of reading in the civic sphere, it has also had its consequences. . Without a literary inheritance, the historical past is impoverished. These are not the qualities that a free, innovative, or productive society can afford to lose.Dana Gioia is chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts. This tool is utilized to establish an emphasis on his primary point by highlighting it as a negative development relative to other changes in American life. In “Why Literature Matters” the author, Dana Gioia, argues that literature is very important in today’s society. If it were true that they substituted histories, biographies, or political works for literature, one might not worry. To call attention to the trend, the Arts Endowment issued the reading portion of the Survey as a separate report, “Reading at Risk: A Survey of Literary Reading in America.”The decline in reading has consequences that go beyond literature. Among hourly workers, poor reading skills ranked second, and 38 percent of employers complained that local schools inadequately taught reading comprehension.The decline of reading is also taking its toll in the civic sphere....A 2003 study of 15- to 26-year-olds’ civic knowledge by the National Conference of State Legislatures concluded, “Young people do not understand the ideals of citizenship… and their appreciation and support of American democracy is limited.”It is probably no surprise that declining rates of literary reading coincide with declining levels of historical and political awareness among young people. He uses persuasive techniques and provides the reader with credible facts backing up his claim.Gioia states that during the past quarter century, American interest in literature has decreased. He talks about the decline of reading over the years and the effects it has on different companies and communities. She uses quotes and appeals to emotion. His purpose is to encourage more people to begin reading again in order to improve their intellectual level. In this article, “Why Literature Matters”, the author, Dana Gioia, makes a claim that the level of interest of literature and reading in young Americans have decreased significantly in the past few years. The February issue of Wired magazine, for example, sketches a new set of mental skills and habits proper to the 21st century, aptitudes decidedly literary in character: not ''linear, logical, analytical talents," author Daniel Pink states, but ''the ability to create artistic and emotional beauty, to detect patterns and opportunities, to craft a satisfying narrative."

Strategies Gioia employs to support his argument include citation of compelling polls, reports made by prominent organizations that have issued studies, and a quotation from a prominent author. Since Gioia is mainly using facts in this key point, and not opinions, evidence is used instead of reasoning, however, he did use distinct diction. In 2001 the National Association of Manufacturers polled its members on skill deficiencies among employees. Gioia uses many persuasive techniques, such as evidence, jingoism, and diction, to try and persuade the reader that literature is important.

When the great Victorian thinker John Stuart Mill suffered a crippling depression in late-adolescence, the poetry of Wordsworth restored his optimism and self-confidence -- a ''medicine for my state of mind," he called it. The decline of reading is also taking its toll in the civic sphere. and their appreciation and support of American democracy is limited." Upon reading the article, and mulling over how Gioia feels about America’s current reading levels, a reader is inclined to acknowledge that illiteracy is detrimental to American society and something that needs to be repaired; the point Gioia was trying to impose.Also in the article, Gioia reveals to the audience the consequences of this trend.

In 1780 Massachusetts patriot John Adams wrote to his wife, Abigail, outlining his vision of how American culture might evolve. An example of this would be if a school board official were to read his article, and then decided the matter to be so pressing that he/she took the necessary actions to propose rules for his/her respective school district. Using particular words allows Gioia to more easily persuade the audience to agree with his point of view. He uses statistics from many different studies to provide evidence for his cause.

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why literature matters dana gioia