women's history facts

She also collaborated with civil rights leaders, including Edgar Nixon, the president of the local NAACP chapter, and Martin Luther King.Sofia Ionescu was a Romanian neurosurgeon who worked in the field of neurosurgery for over 47 years, performing every single procedure known to medical science in that time. She was known to take female many female lovers and even vowed to kill 100 men with her bare hands.There’s no record of her actually doing so, but given her track record, there’s no reason to believe she couldn’t have done it if she wanted to.Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz was a 17th-century poet who lived in Mexico City. Today, 71% of moms with kids under 18 work.

Julie followed her to the convent, later escaping with her lover but only after burning the convent to the ground. Here you’ll find some amazing stats about women in the world today.

Naturally, all the commotion caused the city’s inhabitants to wander over, and when enough people did so, Artemisia launched her sneak attack when everyone’s guard was down!Today, this is believed to be an apocryphal story, as it conflicts with everything we know about the cunning and capable Pirate Queen.During the Second World War, the Netherlands was occupied by Germany. Artemisia then painted one of her most famous paintings, “Judith Slaying Holofernes,” which many believed to be revenge for the sham trial she was subjected to.Tomoe Gozen was a legendary 12th-century samurai warrior. The month of March celebrates the contributions women have made throughout history in science, politics, law, sports, the arts, entertainment, and many other fields. Though she was eventually killed in battle, she fought to her last breath for something she believed in.Jeanne de Clisson was married to an English nobleman who was imprisoned and beheaded as a result of the proxy wars between England and France. She was the head of the children’s section, Zegota, and with the help of a few dozen other Zegota members, she was able to save over 2,500 Jewish children by smuggling them out of the Warsaw Ghetto, and providing them with falsified documents once out.With the exception of diplomats who granted visas to Jews during WWII, Sendler saved more Jews than any other individual during the Holocaust.Eileen Collins is a retired NASA astronaut and US Air Force Colonel.

A noblewoman who owned land in the Kingdom of Hungary in the late 16th and early 17th century During her trial, it was said she killed roughly 650 girls, though historians have since disputed this claim. Jone Johnson Lewis is a women's history writer who has been involved with the women's movement since the late 1960s. Though they have had uphill battles throughout history, many women have left an everlasting mark in the human narrative.
Taught the inner workings of military life by her father, Khutulun became a skilled and powerful warrior. She was interested in traditionally male pursuits, eventually becoming an adept hunter and military leader. She was compelled to get into the profession as the result of a When she was young, one of her close friends passed away after contracting an infection during brain surgery.Fatima al-Fihri was an Arab Muslim woman who is credited with founding the University of Al-Quaraouiyine in Morocco in 859 CE. Though other women had completed the marathon, Kathrine was the first to be a registered runner. She rebelled when the British tried to annex her territory, and met her oppressors on the battlefield on horseback, with her child strapped to her back. Though there is some dispute, many consider Sabiha to be the first ever female fighter pilot. On the surface, it seemed that Mochizuki was running an orphanage for young women, but she was really training ninjas assassins and spies.The illegitimate children of Pope Alexander VI—also known as Rodrigo Borgia—have enough scandal to fill their own article. Pictures of Semple, the organizer, trying to stop her from running were widespread throughout the media. She is a former faculty member of the Humanist Institute. But she came from humble originsAmelia Earhart was the first female aviator to fly across the Atlantic ocean in 1928. Talk about killing it!Marie Curie, a Polish scientist, made an indelible mark on the world we live in today. She donated the tank to the Red Army Khutulun was the great-great-granddaughter of legendary conqueror Genghis Khan. I tried to get my ex-wife served with divorce papers. She was the first to recognize the machine had more use than just calculations, became the first-ever programmer in the world as a result.Before Ada Lovelace turned 36, she was dying of cancer.

When Komako did this in 1917, xenophobia was still a big problem in America. Sabiha was such a pioneer in the field of aviation that one of two international airports serving Istanbul is named after her.A figure known simply as Woman Chief (but sometimes referred to as Pine Leaf), was an indigenous warrior and leader of the Crow People. It's National Women's History Month—where we get to celebrate the contributions of women to history and society and, well, the world.

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women's history facts