zygorhiza ear structure

The ear performs the functions of hearing and balancing (equilibrium). The cristae and maculae are the receptors of balance. The latter are modified sweat glands which secrete a waxy substance— the cerumen (ear wax) which prevents the foreign bodies entering the ear. Its most prominent outer ridge is called the helix. It bears an upper membrane, the Reissner’s membrane, and lower membrane, basilar membrane.

It is oval bluish grey membranous structure located on medial part of auditory meatus. Match. (i) Pinna: ADVERTISEMENTS: The pinna is […] (i) The tympanic cavity, filled with air is connected with the nasopharynx through the Eustachian tube (auditory tube), which serves to equalize the air pressure in the tym­panic cavity with that on the outside. If objects or insects enter the ear, it is necessary to remove them immediately either by putting a few drops of warm water or drops of olive oil into the ear.3. When insects or other objects enter the ear and are not easily removed with water or simple liquid or cotton buds, see a qualified medical doctor to avoid serious damage to the eardrum.

A structure, the membranous labyrinth floats in the perilymph. The three divisions of the ear function to provide the sense of hearing: -The external ear, from the pinna (or auricle), gathers sounds, which funnel through the external auditory canal. The saccule is a ventrally situated structure which is joined with the utricle by a narrow utriculosaccular duct. Four major divisions of auditory system - Anatomy 1. When earrings are used and they are causing sore to the ear. The latter is responsible for equalizing the pressure on either side of the tym­panic membrane. However scala media is filled with endolymph. Always see the doctor for advice and treatment.4.

The sound waves are collected by the external ear up to some extent.

The nostrils’ tube leads into the brain through the nose ridge.3. There are present three semicircular ducts; the anterior, the posterior and the lateral semicircular ducts. The human ear, like that of other mammals, contains sense organs that serve two quite different functions: that of hearing and that of postural equilibrium and coordination of head and eye movements.

Like its fellow prehistoric whale Dorudon, Zygorhiza was closely related to the monstrous Basilosaurus, but differed from both of its cetacean cousins in that it had an unusually sleek, narrow body and a long head perched on a short neck.Strangest of all, Zygorhiza's front flippers were hinged at the elbows, a hint that this prehistoric whale may have lumbered up … When girls are born, their ears are pierced and small gold earrings are put in their ears. The organ of Corti consists of outer hair cells, inner hair cells, inner pillar cells, outer pillar cells, tunnel of Corti, phalangeal cells (cells of Deiters), cells of Hensen and cells of Claudius. School girls should use small earrings, while adults could use bigger earrings for occasions. To be able to care for the ear, it is necessary to understand its structure.

(ii) There is a small flexible chain of three small bones called ear ossicles— the malleus (hammer shaped), the incus (anvil shaped) and the stapes (stirrup shaped). Therefore, they require good care. It may be noted that the frequency of sound does not change and (iv) From the tympanic cavity extra sound is carried to the pharynx through Eustachian tube. Gravity. Small earrings should be used for small ears. Internally it consists of three fluid filled chambers or canals, the upper scala vestibuli, lower scala tympani, and the middle scala media (cochlear duct). Zygorhiza. This is an acute infection of the middle ear caused mainly by bacteria and associated with infection of the nose and throat.Welcome to BiologyDiscussion! The ear drum in turn transmits the sound to the inner ear where it is relayed to the brain. The nose helps to prevent dust or insects from entering the lungs through the hair in theThe materials used for nose care are very simple. The meatus (canal) is internally lined by hairy skin (stratified epithelium) and ceruminous glands (wax glands).

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zygorhiza ear structure