University of St Gallen

Particularly well-known is the International Students' Committee, an organization which plans and coordinates the annual The official organization of former students of the University of St. Gallen is HSG Alumni. Frank Pisch on the prospects for international trade in a post-Covid-19 world.Artificial intelligence is fascinating - and at the same time a little mysterious, a little unsettling. At the same time, this type of service can only be made more efficient to a limited extent, as direct interpersonal contact is often essential for its benefit. It is known as HSG, an abbreviation of its former Germanname Handels-Hochschule St. Gallen. "Tracking and Managing the Economic and Social Impacts of COVID-19" is a new Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) sponsored research project led by Prof. Dr. Charlotta Sirén at the Global Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. A study carried out by Prof. Dr. Roland Hodler at the University of St.Gallen closes this gap by investigating the effects of oil spills on neonatal and infant mortality. A video interview. New technologies but also rapid social change can quickly become a disaster for many companies and their established business models. The University of St. Gallen (German: Universität St. Gallen) is a research university located in St. Gallen, Switzerland. The tuition fees for international students is more than the tuition fees for Swiss citizens. For bachelor’s program, the tuition fee is about $2,500 USD per year, and for Master’s program, the tuition fee is about $3,000 USD per year. To what extent can renewable energies and biodiversity affect climate change?The sculptor Wilhelm Mundt on his work group "Trashstones", art & transience as well as the changes that have occurred over the years in his reflections on art and sculpture. The country has been suffering from pollution from the oil industry for decades. For PhD, it costs around $1,300 USD per year. Established in 1898, it specialises in business administration, economics, law, and international affairs. He spent his whole life trying to fill that hole. Peter Murmann elaborates this argument through the example of Huawei and explains what poetry and plumbing have to do with good leadership. An interview with Tony Schwartz, Ghostwriter of Donald Trump's book "The Art of the Deal" and CEO of "The Energy Project", at the St. Gallen Symposium 2017.Sharing goods, sharing resources: This is the basic idea of the "sharing economy". Which neuroscientific aspects are associated with consumption? "Donald Trump is an empty vessel, he is a black hole. (in German)Society is getting older and older, which puts the current system of old-age provision increasingly into financial distress. Tony Cragg on the essence of sculpture, on form and material, and sculptures as radical political attitude. The University of St.Gallen is an international place for thought leadership which widens horizons and forsters relations with a wide variety of countries and foreign cultures.
This website uses cookies. The Executive School offers its own selection of executive education options, and will give you access to a strong portfolio of programmes in the fields of management, law, technology and economics, located at the university’s different …

How can drivers be specifically warned of dangerous accident sites? The university’s campus has a view of the city, and is just a 15 minute walk to the centre. (in German)"One of the big challenges as a strategic leader is to change the organisation as it is growing." First pilot projects in this area have already been launched. A video interview on the occasion of the 48th St.Gallen Symposium.Architects Sou Fujimoto and Marie de France talk about their project "Open Grid", the new Learning Center at the University of St.Gallen. Representatives of the cantonal legislature have called for a change in the university's culture of accountability. (in German)Crowdsourcing works best in collaborativ settings - with collaborative crowds. *In 2016, CEMS refused to take part in the yearly FT Ranking. The University of St. Gallen is located atop Rosenberg hill, overlooking the picturesque In the Main Building, designed by Walter Foerderer and regarded worldwide as a significant example of 1960s architecture, art is a major feature of the architecture; whereas in the Library Building of 1989, works of art complement the diversity of architectural forms in a narrative fashion. (in German)Prof. Dr. Judith Walls on the carbon footprint of companies, the influence of consumers on corporate strategies and the significance of the "Friday for Future" movement. (in German)"The most human thing in the world is art." You can watch more videos featuring members of our network in our Alumni Stories section.A member of our Talent Acquisition team will respond within two business days Please note our full website is only available in English.
The Executive M.B.L.-HSG course 2018/2019 which started in June 2018 and will finish in November 2019, is the last course run by the University of St.Gallen.

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University of St Gallen