haggerston girl school

Microsoft Edge Kay Andrews, Paddy Pugh and Joyce Bridges on a guided tour. Firefox

The school is believed to have admitted its first students in January 1966 as Haggerston Girls’ Secondary School. The floor slabs are expressed as continuous shallow bands with a bush-hammered texture, while the exposed columns are broad and smooth faced, High concrete parapets top all the blocks.The school’s extensive modernisation and refurbishment between 2010-2012 was designed by Avanti Architects and included a brand new ‘creative’ block. Designed 1962, built 1964-7 by Erno Goldfinger for the London County Council, after 1965 the Inner London Education Authority.

Reinforced concrete frame with concrete and brick infill.

The plan has three linked blocks, a central teaching spine incorporating first-floor library, with entrance block to west containing an assembly hall and staff accommodation, and gymnasia to east.
£20.00. We use cookies to give you the best possible experience online. Haggerston PE Polo. Find out about services offered by Historic England for funding, planning, education and research, as well as training and skill development. HACKNEY The contents of this record have been generated from a legacy data system.This building is listed under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 as amended for its special architectural or historic interest.The following information has been contributed by users volunteering for our The information and images below are the opinion of the contributor, are not part of the official entry and do not represent the official position of Historic England.

Safari £15.00. What's New From £9.99. Our website works best with the latest version of the browsers below, unfortunately Recorded as part of a research project to enhance the understanding and protection of the Mendip Hills. Bexhill, East Sussex. Dark grey brick with concrete floor slabs and exposed concrete roof slab, the latter bush hammered and treated as … With free parking on site at Haggerston School can also accommodate private functions, birthday parties, conferences and events at affordable, low cost prices.
Haggerston School. Images & Books Over the years, the school became Haggerston Girls’ School and then Haggerston School in September 2009 when it became co-educational with its own sixth form.

Read about our current news, projects, campaigns, listing work and keep up with the latest applied research and historic environment’s hot topics. Register For a copy of the full scale map, please see the attached PDF - The PDF will be generated from our live systems and may take a few minutes to download depending on how busy our servers are. Perret’s buildings of the 1920s and 1930s are rigorously classical and expressive of their concrete structure, and this influence is clearly visible in Haggerston School. Haggerston School remains a community school maintained by the London Borough of Hackney.Erno Goldfinger (1902-87) was born in Budapest, and lived in Vienna and Paris, where he studied architecture under Auguste Perret, one of the first architects to develop the use of reinforced concrete aesthetically. All Rights Reserved.

Facilities are available from 7pm – 10pm Monday to Friday (Sports Facilities from 6pm) and 8am – 10pm Saturday and Sunday.

Haggerston year 7 & 8 Skirt. Historic England holds an extensive range of publications and historic collections in its public archive covering the historic environment.

Goldfinger’s work is unique in Britain in combining the influences of Perret with detailing and plan-forms derived from Le Corbusier; he is also unique in having known both men personally.Haggerston School is one of the outstanding school buildings of its period. It is built in a brutalist style using a vast amount of blockish brickwork, timber, glass and concrete. Haggerston School was designed (1962) and built (1964-67) by the celebrated modernist architect Ernö Goldfinger. Internet Explorer 11 735/0/10080 WEYMOUTH TERRACE 20-FEB-04 Haggerston Girls' School II Girls' Secondary School.

We apologise for this delay.This copy shows the entry on 14-Aug-2020 at 21:25:42.The building or site itself may lie within the boundary of more than one authority.

Woods' boat yard at Isleworth on the Thames. Haggerston PE Track top.

We have not checked that the contributions below are factually accurate. We carry out and fund high-quality applied research to support the protection and management of the historic environment.

Haggerston Girls white blouses. Advice £23.50.

See our extensive range of expert advice to help you care for and protect historic places. Find out about listed buildings and other protected sites, and search the National Heritage List for England (NHLE). A major refurbishment under the Building Schools for the Future (BSF) programme was completed in 2012.

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haggerston girl school