jean grey old

"Hating the Machine" Scott Lobdell (w), Andy Kubert (p), Cam Smith (i). Scott attempted to contact Maddie, but the number was disconnected. After defeating Apocalypse, his sentient Scott saw Madelyne and the X-Men sacrificing themselves in The Goblin Queen attempted to sacrifice baby Nathan atop the Following Madelyne's funeral, X-Factor was attacked by Nanny and Orphan-Maker, but X-Factor rescued Jean's niece and nephew.

In its bid to eliminate the Phoenix, however, the Shi'ar warship generated a singularity above the North Pole whose event horizon (a miniature worm hole) annihilated everyone there just as she became the White Phoenix of the Crown, Jean reversed the damage and saved the X-Men through her reality warping powers. Chris Claremont; John Byrne; Jim Shooter; Jim Salicrup, Louise Jones; Terry Austin (w). As Jean faces the Phoenix Force, she is finally able to convince the cosmic entity to stop bringing her back and let her go. Scott was hit hard by this news but hid it from Madelyne and began packing.

Claremont also decided to upgrade her powers significantly.The storyline in which Jean Grey died as Marvel Girl and was reborn as Phoenix (Claremont revealed that his and Cockrum's motivation for Jean Grey's transformation into Phoenix was to create "the first female cosmic hero".I personally think, and I've said this many times, that having a character destroy an inhabited world with billions of people, wipe out a starship and then—well, you know, having the powers removed and being let go on Earth. "Phoenix Unleashed!" What Jean most wanted was to save the lives of the X-Men and herself.

"Not a Cloud in the Sky" Christiansen, Jeff; Sullivan, Mike (2010). "Fan the Flames" Louise Simonson (w), Walter Simonson (p), Dan Green (i). Thus, the force floods her body with flaming psychic energy, incinerating her from the inside out, leaving only a skeleton.Jean is a powerful empath, as she can feel and manipulate emotions of other people, as shown when her power first emerged as she felt her friend Annie Richardson slowly dying.When her powers first manifested, Jean was unable to cope with her Jean is also one of the few telepaths skilled enough to communicate with animals (animals with high intelligence, such as Jean possesses a high-level of telekinetic ability that enables her to psionically levitate and rapidly move about all manner of animate and inanimate matter. The Phoenix Force had abandoned her. Jean lets Wolverine find her and tries to convince him to kill her again before the Phoenix does more damage.Though she had yet to fully return, the Phoenix Force and Jean continued to manifest themselves, particularly the Phoenix through the red-haired, green-eyed "mutant messiah" who slightly resembles Jean named Strange psych occurrences around the world, which include a large bird flaring out from the sun and an explosion on the moon, raise red flags for the X-Men, who quickly launch an investigation of these events.Restored to life, Jean gathers some of the greatest minds on Earth together so that she can read their minds to plan her next move. For one reason or another, Jean Grey (both young and old) has, on more than one occasion, been repeatedly resurrected by either the PhoenixJean Grey is a trained pilot and proficient unarmed combatant. It's a new beginning." On that day Rachel finally died of old age. Further probing allowed Jean to recall details of fighting Nate and the creation of the current timeline.

Touching one of Bishop's uniforms triggered Jean's memory of him and the erased memories of his involvement with the X-Men. Beast from the future traveled to their time in order to inform them that the future was in a bad state, and that only the original X-Men could help fix it.Jean and the rest of the team accompanied this Beast to the future, where Cyclops had killed Charles Xavier, Jean herself, was dead (and had the school named after her), and Beast was dying from his second mutation. When Jean discovered the affair,Immediately after, Emma was shot while in her organic diamond form by the Scott was devastated by Jean's death. After confronting and seeing into the mind of the future Cyclops Jean was repulsed and rejected younger Scott.Soon after their relocation, Jean Grey was abducted by the The time-displaced X-Men disbanded and went their separate ways in the wake of the Once the M-Pox crisis was neutralized and the Terrigen Cloud destroyed,When the Phoenix Force manifested, Jean engaged the cosmic entity in battle and managed to wound it. Jean pilots the shuttle back to Earth, but is exposed to fatal levels of radiation.Upon its suicide by way of a disintegration ray, the Phoenix Force disperses into its original form and a fragment locates the still-healing Jean at the bottom of Jamaica Bay.Learning of her true identity and purpose as a clone created by While continuing on X-Factor, Cyclops proposes to Jean and she meets her alternate future daughter Professor Xavier calls the X-Men together for a meeting and Jean tries unsuccessfully to rally the X-Men against him before he manifests Onslaught. Unaware that Madelyne was a clone of Jean now programmed by Sinister to fall in love with him, Scott became obsessed with Madelyne's similarity to his lost love.Meanwhile, Scott and Madelyne's marriage had become strained. They joined the Askani-inspired After twelve years, Nate, Slym, and Redd stopped Apocalypse from killing Stryfe and destroyed him once and for all.

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