political jargon generator

Copyright © 2020 Plain English Campaign. Political facts and useful notes can be found on the Useful Notes index. Fire your speechwriters and win some elections. ... NFL Jargon Generator "Here's Dixcauser - 850 pounds and 9 for 14 in blocking - you'll see him shotgun to his tailback and yield to the T-formation." If you need more than one buzzphrase, just click the button again and again. If you need more than one buzzphrase, just click the button again and again. Political jargon refers to the words and phrases used by politicians, lobbyists, the media, and other people to talk about political issues in a quicker, coded way. Following are some examples of political jargon. Here are some examples of political jargon, and what the words really mean: Political Rhetoric Generator "I will not stand for an America where racists and filthy hobos can sabotage our cellular plans." This typically means someone who is looking for lowered taxes, especially on the upper class, for decentralization of government, and someone who shoots down gay rights issues with discussion of "Flip flopper: A candidate or politician who changes his mind on certain important issues over time.Bailout: Helping a large company with its debts with the intention that the company will repay the money in the future.Bipartisan: An effort that brings together both political parties in mutual agreement.Partisan: Something that only works toward the goals of one political party, and often works against the goals of the other.Birther: Someone who believes President Obama was born outside of the United States.Feminazi: A militant Feminist who is viewed as going overboard on women's causes.Pro-Choice: A person who is in favor of a woman's right to choose abortion or not.Grown in office: A political term used for someone who won office based on one set of principles, but over time adopted an opposite set of principles.RINO: This term is short for "Republican in Name Only," and is used to criticize Republicans who often side with Democrats.Blue dog: A Democrat who is likely to side with Republicans on certain issues.Greenwashing: When companies attempt to make themselves look environmentally friendly (usually when they're not especially environmentally friendly).Red state: A state that votes primarily for Republicans or conservatives.Blue state: A state that votes primarily for Democrats or liberals.Frankenfood: This term is used by politicians and lobbyists to refer to genetically-modified food products.Public Servant: Political jargon for an elected official.Reform: To change a law or a system to make it better or more efficient.Lame duck: A politician who is considered ineffective, either because he or she was recently elected out of office or announced retirement.Kool-aid-drinker: Derogatory term for an individual who votes for a candidate or a party against their common sense.These are all examples of political slang terms or political speech that is used commonly by those on the "inside" of politics.Barack Obama giving a speech as examples of political jargon -1769 Chapter 2: The Planting of English America, 1500-1733 Chapter 3: Settling the Northern Colonies, 1619-1700 Chapter 4: American Life in the Seventeenth Century, 1607-1692. Political Rhetoric Generator Generates random American political rhetoric. Political Jargon Generator Free Terms and Conditions Generator to generate professional attorney drafted Terms & Conditions. These cookies do not record any personal information.Have you ever wanted to use meaningless, empty phrases that make it look like you know what you are talking about?Simply click on the button below this paragraph and a random piece of business jargon will appear in the box. Political Rhetoric Generator Generates random American political rhetoric. I will not stand for an America where greedy doctors and biased media insiders … Here are some examples of political jargon, and what the words really mean:Right-Wing: a politician or citizen who is more conservative than the average person. All Rights Reserved. Powered by Jargon Examples. This site uses session cookies.

Political jargon is the shared language of catch phrases spoken by those in politics. Simply click on the button below this paragraph and a random piece of business jargon will appear in the box.

Gobbledygook generator Have you ever wanted to use meaningless, empty phrases that make it look like you know what you are talking about? The color scheme used by the plugin for any text outside of the button itself.

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political jargon generator